Avengers is like a superhero version of Raiders of the Lost Ark for me.
They mean the dialogue was almost mumbled and it was drowned out by the cheering of the movie audience. Hence, you wouldn't have heard what Hulk says in the theatre.![]()
Been thinking about the Avengers lately.
Above everything else Avengers truly is an audience movie.
That's the one huge difference over TDK.
I loved TDK but every screening I attended felt like a funeral, quiet, everyone in deep thought (or boredom), keeping to themselves.
Avengers is like a superhero version of Raiders of the Lost Ark for me.
The bluray should come with 100 people.![]()
there is the unofficial tie-in line "And the Furor digs for trinkets in the desert...",
I've watched Cap about 10 times and that line never hit me. That's AWESOME!!!![]()
What'd you guys think of Hawkeye in the movie? More and more I'm just impressed with his insane emotional fortitude. To do what he did and then bounce back and kick ass with such a pivotal role in the final battle was just awesome.
No, CA: TFA is the superhero version of Raiders, Avengers is Star Wars: A New Hope AND Return of the Jedi in one insanely fun package. It really shows how LOTR, HP, and Avatar are just NOT Star Wars. They are great experiences (even masterpieces in the case of LOTR) but they just don't exhibit the unadulterated FUN of SW and The Avengers.
I would disagree about fun though. The Lord of the Rings have been the most fun I've ever had in a movie going experience. The Marvel movies while not the same have provided similar fun.
I 100% disagree with this. I purposely try and avoid large crowds in the theater because I HATE when an audience goes wild. I would MUCH rather sit in the funeral procession where I can actually hear the dialogue and not be distracted by hooting and howling. We just go through saying the audience on opening weekend drowned out the brilliant "Puny God" line. That would have pissed me off to no end. That said, I'm fine if everyone laughs/gasps/reacts at the appropriate time in the appropriate degree. My audience was nice and small (a Thursday night) and we all laughed out loud at the jokes, but just enough to not distract or drown out the movie. But when the audience is packed, you get some kind of mob mentality where everyone's reaction is ridiculously over the top and they're just making noise to make noise. This was especially true in Manhattan. And I am so glad to have moved out of there so I can enjoy movies in peace!![]()
I'd like to see a Hawkeye/Widow movie. Doubt it'll ever happen since both will likely just be relegated to cameos in the bigger core character movies, but I think it'd be a great espionage flick and add another layer to the Marvel films.![]()
I would disagree about fun though. The Lord of the Rings have been the most fun I've ever had in a movie going experience. The Marvel movies while not the same have provided similar fun.
I dunno, I understand where Khev's coming from. While I considered LOTR to be enjoyable, I didn't really consider it "fun." LOTR was more dramatic and rich vs. Avengers which was funnier and considerably more light-hearted. That probably doesn't make sense.![]()
Sure the LOTR have some fun parts, but they aren't two and a half hours+ of UNADULTERATED fun like SW and The Avengers.![]()