Vern said:But ____ it, they pulled it off, and that’s awesome. I’m not just happy because I liked it, but because most of the people who were excited for it seem to love it. Give it enough time I’m sure 1/4 to 1/2 of them will turn around, pull down their pants and take a giant dump on it like they do everything else, but for now it seems to be uniting all of the nerd kingdom and sympathetic parties in joy. I’m for it.
Yeah, he's gotta point, half of the people who claim to love the movie, will turn around after they realize the world has seen it and loves it too, just so they can be out of the mainstream crowd.
This has happened on these boards, specifically with all the backlash Nolan batman films get now and the Raimi SM films constantly getting compared to the new Spidey.
I just read the great Vern's review, and I agree with this comment:
Yep, its all well and great to think its awesome as long as too many other people don't also think its awesome. Avatar flipfloppers I'm looking at you.![]()
Yep, its all well and great to think its awesome as long as too many other people don't also think its awesome. Avatar flipfloppers I'm looking at you.![]()
I never liked it, and you're a total poser if you ever did!
As long as people don't try to kill themselves to be re-incarnated into becoming The Avengers, i'll have no problem here.![]()