"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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MM Scarecrow -


I think the MM series is really well done for figures. My Goon is amazing, I love that thing. Only thing that was missing was a gun. His hand is made for one, but no gun came with him.

Still, they are very nice figures for that scale. I'm happy with them. They just need to release the Two Face already. :D

Totally agree. I should proably have clarirified my earlier comment. They're great figures for what they are, top notch, but what they are isn't anything high end so the likelihood of the MM line ever improving with each wave is probably low and the quality they are now is where future release will stay.

I too wish Joker had a bicep joint, I think some cool poses with the knife could be achieved if he had that.
Scarecrow looks nice! I love it. I just got Buttmunch's Joker in hand for painting and it's cool to have Joker in hand. Yeah, he totally needs a bicep joint. :lol
Scarecrow looks nice! I love it. I just got Buttmunch's Joker in hand for painting and it's cool to have Joker in hand. Yeah, he totally needs a bicep joint. :lol

Sweet! I guess that means Les is probably getting the other one today as well since I sent them at the same time. The Race is on! :D

I'm kidding. Take your time.

That Scarecrow does look great! Can't wait to see Two-Face is better pics now.

I wonder if there will be a suit variant to Scarecrow?
So its a three pack exclusive to K-mart for only $22? That isn't bad at all considering the figures are usually $10-13 each. Makes Batman free! Everyone can use an extra Joker!

I'm wondering if the Scarecrow in series 2 will be the suited version? He clearly has the suit pants on, so just throw on a slight retool of the Goon, and BAM, suited Scarecrow!
I'm wondering if the Scarecrow in series 2 will be the suited version? He clearly has the suit pants on, so just throw on a slight retool of the Goon, and BAM, suited Scarecrow!

Looking at the image, he's probably fully suited beneath the costume, so really, an arm swap is all that's needed to make him a Crane in suit figure.
Looking at the image, he's probably fully suited beneath the costume, so really, an arm swap is all that's needed to make him a Crane in suit figure.

I'm lazy though. I'd buy the series 2 figure if it was the suited version. Then we could see an unmasked variant like Batman.
I'm lazy though. I'd buy the series 2 figure if it was the suited version. Then we could see an unmasked variant like Batman.

Sorry, I was talking about how easy it would be for Mattel, not customizing one, gotta word things more clearly heheh.
Oh I get you now. Yeah, it would be VERY easy for Mattel since they would just reuse the Goon's arms. Not that I mind. I don't think they need to make a completely new body for every figure if they don't have to. Reuse saves time and money, which usually means quicker releases and lower prices for us. Plus, if it is screen accurate, why NOT reuse?
Plus, if it is screen accurate, why NOT reuse?

That's basically my criteria, don't reuse if it kills accurracy, and don't mix and match parts and have it scream that they don't go together like McFarlane did with their ALIENS figure, they used about 75% of their ALIEN figure over again, added parts where it had to be different, they didn't match up and you could totally tell. I'll get Scarecrow in a suit with the mask if they do it, but as far as figures go I don't dig whatever he's wearing over his suit in this figure we're looking at now. My only issue with the MM figures, they should come with weapons and accessories, that's a bit of a bummer, Joker'd totally rock with that machine gun, "c'mon, hit me!"
I agree this line sorely needs accessories. Hopefully after series 2, they decide to keep the line going and do away with the "Evidence." Series 2's Scarecrow mask and Two-face coin would be sweet (only speculating, not confirmed).
Got a package from Garcetti, today. It's just an evidence bag full of Joker cards. Didn't see anything else...? Yes, they are real and so is the package -


Awesome! I am so jealous of you right now. How did you get them?

You and me both. From as far I can tell, Scuba is the first to get this. I've checked over on the SHH boards and not a word. :confused:

And I checked the Garcetti site and the email for the volunteers they give comes back as undeliverable.
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