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once again, you really have no idea what's going on do you? :lol

1) i am forced to order the ex. It's the universal law - if there is an ex, you get ex. Just how it is.
2) not change of pants, a different colored pants for ex. It's a common practice on 1 piece statues, like hulk.
3) 10% can be had on all authorized resellers, some of them offer additional 5% discount via coupon or long time customers.
4) again - reveal tues, PO thurs is how it always has been as master shai pointed out.

I dont think you are worthy of the hulk yet!! still have a lot to learn youngling. :read

My wallet makes me worthy. Nothing else. :nana:
This is a statue of legend already. Buy it or be a dweeb forever.
I've never read a hulk comic in my life, nor have I watched the original hulk series/cartoons...but this statue looks pretty cool so I'm going to buy it. :yess:

I hope some "true" hulk fan misses out on this because of my order. :nana:

:exactly: haha :lol me too. :hi5: Take that Hulk fanatics :nana:
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I heard the last hulk comiquette was hollow. Skaar sounds like he was a solid piece. What do you guys think this piece will be?
I really think you have to order this one. Even if you're unsure or don't like it. You will end up liking after people start getting the in their hands. You'll regret it if you don't. :lecture You will!
wasnt impressed at the con. wont be ordering

I felt the same way. I don't know what it was exactly, but I was just kinda bored with it. All that said, I'll probably still order one and hope it grows on me.

You know I kind of feel the same way. I don't know what it is, but this piece did not blow me away as it should.

However, I still like it and will order, but why this did not blow me away at the Con? Maybe the size is not big enough? I am still not sure, hope it will grow on me when I get it in hand.

I was blown away by doom lsf, galactus maquette, batman pf, drom pf even neytiri lsf, but hulk is just great not insanely amazing, it should be more than great :gah:
Isn't the idea behind an Exclusive edition that you can display it as the regular or Ex? Two bases? No chance. Two different coloured pairs of pants? It would be a ball ache trying to change his pants every time you wanted to change the look, can't see that happening.

Funny all the negative comments creeping out as this gets really close to reveal. Maybe everyone is waking up to the fact that this is going to be mega $£ for an easy cast, not too much detail, with basic paint application and a bit of fabric for the pants?
I was really let down by the weight of the Comiquette so that, with other more serious issues, forced me to return it. If this is hollow and they charge $800+ for it I will be really pi$$ed. This deserves to be a solid, heavy, piece.
With regards to Edition Size. Yes we want a bit of exclusivity to this.
I for one am planning on selling a few pieces to free up space and funds for this and it's nice to get the initial cost, or a bit of profit, back. When you buy a piece most will say they will never sell but other, more exciting, pieces come along and something's gotta give. Who wants to buy something then sell a year later at a huge loss?
Anyway to sum up, don't need an Ex, would be nice if it was a solid sculpt, limited ES would be the difference between a standard, all be it a nice, piece and a grail and make it affordable, i.e don't take the pi$$ Sideshow.