Broke and happy
figured Jye had the other 2 Marvel pieces and would want to round out his collection

figured Jye had the other 2 Marvel pieces and would want to round out his collection
What can make this statue perfect would be to fine tune the sanding process before the paint is applied and the smoothing process after the paint dries. The area's that are more difficult to smooth out, I understand are hit with grease marks to cover them up, which is done to speed up the process for an assembly line in China to be more efficient and less costly. I get that part of the business. However if sideshow simply adds ten more minutes of buffing to the lineup, it would mean we have a chance of having a better statue, then that is what should be done. The next thing to correct is the shipping box. One had an arm broken, the other had paint being rubbed off in the toe area from rubbing against the Styrofoam during shipping. Make a better fitting foam and that problem is solved. These two little steps added in place and I believe this statue would have a great run with minimal complaints. Just my two cents.
I have this on order....but I hope I dont see areas on this like I did on my 1:1 bust when I got that. The neck area better be perfect same with all the joints. Pictures and reviews are all we need to see to get an idea of where this piece is heading in the next few months. If the next 30 pieces that go out all have paint issues again....this will be canceled and SS will hear about.
paint runs?????? are you kidding?????....on a $2000 piece you get paint runs??? That wasnt even a problem on the 1:1....this is a WHOLE new problem. I have $3000 1/12 model cars with paint finishes as good as the real car. Why cant these freaken chinese people paint consistently? This piece should be the EASIEST statue to paint...EVER! Its ONLY 2 colors and it has smooth surfaces....
But the part that still bugs me the most about this is that its not numbered. I dont know if I will ever get over that..
Something tells me that good paint jobs will be hard to come by and they'll shut down production before too long...
Something tells me that good paint jobs will be hard to come by and they'll shut down production before too long...
Great paint jobs will DEFINITELY be hard to come by on this piece, however, these pieces are made by people, and since people can be moody, I think there will be a few of these that turn out really really nice, because that person took pride in their work. Dr. Deming said that the only thing that gets people to perform better is pride in work. Money is not a motivator. As to them shutting down, I think they will make as many as they can, and I predict that production will continue for 6 months to a year. There is a chance it will go two years, but that is a small chance.
I honestly would not be bothered if it were solid and of course the shipping would be horrendous but you know what you got yourself into once you know it weighs 100-150lbs+
SS wouldn't be able to make that many, lower edition sizes and also if you can't afford the freight then this piece is not meant for you.
Just my two cents on solidness vs hollow.
Totally agree, don't B$&ch about Shipping costs when you know the thing weighs a Tonne!!
that poor horse...
Dr. Deming said that the only thing that gets people to perform better is pride in work.
IM's suit like any other standing display of knight's armor would be hollow irl anyways, so I don't see the problem.
EXACTLY! People are totally missing the point here. I think it's just supposed to be a replica of Iron Man's ARMOR, and not necessarily Iron Man himself.