The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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OK!! So...I must admit....that with all the moving , freelance, work, life issues I had the couple of weeks....i did some cheating. Luckily I didn't gain any pounds...but I only managed to lose one pound thanx to all the pushing and pulling I had to do last Sat.

Today, however, I'm back at it....all tho I still got that massive freelance i'm working on....I'm gonna dedicate an hour a day again and go to the gym. This time I'm gonna really push myself, but not to hard, cuz I gotta leave some energy for after the gym so that I can draw and paint til the wee hours of the morning. :(

Also, I wanted to ask you guys if you know of some sorta meal supplement that's sold in Walmart.....I ask cuz I'm going there tonight after the gym. :D

Good to hear Bam. Glad that you are settling in and getting back to it.

Make sure you get some rest as well. Burnout really sneaks up on us quick !

You will get basic Whey Protein at wally world. Not much highter end... like it was said, good when you are in a pinch.

I been doing Scivation like Ski said. Perfect balance for a true meal replacement. That is what is best.

As for Whey:

The use of whey proteins, as a source of amino acids and its effect on reducing the risks of diseases such as heart disease and cancer, is the focus of ongoing research.[3] Whey is a source of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) which are used to fuel working muscles and stimulate protein synthesis.[12] Whey contains high amounts of BCAAs.[13]. In particular, leucine plays a key role in initiating the transcription pathway that fires up protein synthesis.[14] When leucine is ingested in high amounts, such as with whey protein supplementation, there is greater stimulation of protein synthesis, which may speed recovery and adaptation to stress (exercise)[15]

Whey protein contains the amino acid cysteine which can be used to make glutathione. However, this amino acid is not essential for the synthesis of glutathione and some studies have suggested that the amount of cysteine in the diet may have little effect on glutathione synthesis.[16] However, another study suggested that large amounts of whey protein can increase cellular glutathione levels.[17] Glutathione is an antioxidant that defends the body against free radical damage and some toxins, and studies in animals have suggested that milk proteins might reduce the risk of cancer.[18]

Dang...that reminds me....I haven't forgotten about u SK! ;)



Egg Whites
Brown Rice
Chicken Breast
Some spiced tomatoes



See that sound delicious !

See, i can eat something like this daily and be satisfied.

Its a good balance of protein, carbs and antioxidants.


I need to get some brown rice.

I have it on hand always. Boil in a bag when I am rushed and regular for real sit down meals. :rock
BadMoon if you want to come in and pet my cat com on in, I'll meet yah somewhere?

and no I did not call anyone fat in that Double Dutch thread, I didn't state the anyone would get fat by eating one sandwhich, it was the justification of the stupid piece of lard that got on my nerves.
BadMoon if you want to come in and pet my cat com on in, I'll meet yah somewhere?

and no I did not call anyone fat in that Double Dutch thread, I didn't state the anyone would get fat by eating one sandwhich, it was the justification of the stupid piece of lard that got on my nerves.

LOL! It's just a sandwich man. It just doesn't have bread. I would pet your _____ anytime. :rock
Oh uh... Ski...
Now you've done it... every time you post now, BM will bring up the sandwich... and follow you're every post for a chance to try and be comical... "Bevare...."

Nahhhh the sandwich isn't nearly as good as a tall glass of milk. :rotfl:monkey1:monkey3
Yesterday was my first day of p90x. Couldn't make it through the whole workout. Dudes a beast. Tonight I've got plyometrics. Not looking forward to it. Probably won't make it all the way through, but hey, you gotta start somewhere.
Keep updating your progress with this program. I've watched the infommericials and it seems pretty impressive.
Keep updating your progress with this program. I've watched the infommericials and it seems pretty impressive.

I actually was hooked on this informercial as well. I'm a sucker for "as seen on tv" informercials. Although I never buy anything.
Oh uh... Ski...
Now you've done it... every time you post now, BM will bring up the sandwich... and follow you're every post for a chance to try and be comical... "Bevare...."

:lol I'm fine with that there will be a day where I see BadMoon in person :D Nah I keed, I never took the sandwich seriously until ppl started posting that it's only 13 points and that it's ok to go ahead because there's fats in the sandwich etc...

@ BM and Hood

My point that I was trying to get across was not that moderation of everything is wrong, I'm simply trying to state that is the wrong way about trying to eat for a healthy lifestyle. For example if there's bad gas at the gas station are you going in put just a slight amount of that bad gas in your car, wouldn't you want you car to run optimally and efficient. Some days yea you are just screw and maybe you are running on fumes, so there's no way out you have to take the bad gasoline in order to get to the next station where there's premium quality.

It's the combination of healthy foods along with exercise that will improve your physical body, externally, internally and mentally. I can tell you this because of all my experience in the fitness, industry and many gyms across states, people can work themselves to death in the gym and get no where fast (or for that matter no where for a very long time). The reason is because all the hard work is for none whenever they basically ruin what they worked so hard to burn in the gym. The diet I would say it's 90% of gains that can be made at the gym while exercising. I can walk into a gym and immediately tell who is dieting and who is not, no matter what the size, ppl that are overweight, ppl that are strong as oxes but there is a difference.

I guess it depends on goals though as well, some people what to get huge, some skinny, some just fit and extremist shredded.
Man, you're as predictable as a lemming!! :lol

How's that Oompa Loompa Tan working for you?... :gun

LOL! And your not. You are such a hypocrite. Need I point that out? :lol I've never once insulted you and you keep them coming. :lol You won't see my panties get in a bunch over it. :rock
I think this thread needs..............
