Super Freak
Wofford and Alex looking great!
btw I am going to be competing again.
btw I am going to be competing again.
Cool, thanks. I'm sitting at 5'9 180 and started at 216. Jan15-Aug15. I'm hoping for another 8-10 lbs of fat loss. Here's a nite time pic.
Good job! How do the legs look?
Symmetry is important people. No bar bodies.. Gotta have it all going!
Fractured a rib trying to push a stuck car. The height of my inhales and exhales are pretty painful. 6 weeks no running is what was recommended.
Anyone have experience with this type of injury?
Youch.... Sorry to hear that man. I pulled a rib cage muscle a few weeks ago, and it was pretty painful. Can't imagine what a fractured rib feels like! Hope you have a speedy recovery....
While not the same injury, sprained my wrist pretty bad about a month ago and haven't been able to lift or train at all the past month and it just sucks ass
I have broken a rib when I used to wrestle in college and while it doesn't seem to be that crucial an area, it really is. I would just rest for that 6 weeks and get better. I didn't do that and it hurt a LOT more then 6 weeks and I wasn't 100% for a LONG time afterwards.
Thanks for the advice. Sounds like it became a negging injury for a while. I definitely won't be pushing it.
Alright here's my progress shots. Far left is day 1. Middle is week 4. Far right is week 9. I'm trying my hardest to get rid of my belly fat under my belly button and on the handles but it just won't go anywhere. I'm all ears if anyone has experience getting rid of this ____. I know you can't spot reduce, but there's got to be a secret I'm missing. I'm eating right, lifting 4 days a week, fat burn cardio everyday, supplements along with the diet. Surely it can't stay like this if I keep it up.
Good Lord, congratulations. Amazing results for such a short period of time. What specifically are you doing?
Big lifestyle change. I pretty much stay working out all day. Like I mentioned earlier I'm a bit militant when I decide I'm going to do something, which unfortunately isn't always a good thing, but it is what it is. I'll try and give a breakdown.
I lift weights M, T, Th, F doing your typical body parts breakdown each day.
I do a combo of low interval steady state treadmill and high intensity interval training after my workouts for an hour.
Wednesdays I do whatever form of 60 minute cardio I want. Typically low interval jogging.
Saturday and Sunday I usually hike or stay active in more fun ways.
When I mentioned I'm always working out I mean that I'm constantly thinking about keeping my metabolism going (which is naturally fast to begin with.) I don't drive anywhere anymore if it's within 5 miles of my house. I walk to the grocery store, I walk to the bank, I walk to my parents on Wednesdays for dinner, etc. If I drive anywhere I park in the farthest spot away from the door or across the street so I can walk. I constantly focus on keeping my abs tight sitting in the car, walking, doing anything. So basically I stay moving until it's bedtime.
I eat a very high protein diet, with only complex carbs, natural and organic foods, grassfed beef, cage free chicken and eggs, whole wheats, very little fruit, a lot of Kashi products, a ton of organic salad with about 1 tbsp of natural dressing, and the only dessert I ever eat is a little square of 80% dark chocolate. I have one cheat meal every 2 or 3 weeks on the weekend. I usually eat well under 2000 calories a day, and drink nothing but water, 1% Mayfield Nurture Milk, and a black espresso on occasion.
I supplement my diet with a lot of ____. To be honest though as soon as I get where I want to be I'll be dropping everything except the multi vitamins and one of the proteins. Here's a list of what I take currently.
Oxyelite Pro
Thermo CLA
Wheybolic Extreme 60
Burn 60
Triple Strength Fish Oil - Pharm grade dosing
Getting a bit frustrated with my work out since I'm hitting this invisible wall. The only thing I can imagine is that my legs are building muscle from all the running I'm doing. I'm not seeing any weight loss yet. And it's been long enough. Okay, I've seen one lb. But I've cut around 500 calories out of my daily consumption and I run for around 3 miles. It's quite frustrating....I've never had trouble losing weight before.
Wife and I got a gym membership about 3 weeks ago after a six year hiatus. Feels good to be getting back in shape!