Super Freak
Off to do deadlifts!
I need a good preworkout now that the new Jack3d formula does nothing for me. Suggestions?
I've been taking the BSN No-Xplode... works wonders for me. I highly recommend the BSN Cell Mass recovery drink as well, they're both a great combination. My performance has really improved since I started taking it 7-8 weeks ago.
Is that the new 2.0 one or the original?
I need a good preworkout now that the new Jack3d formula does nothing for me. Suggestions?
I need a good preworkout now that the new Jack3d formula does nothing for me. Suggestions?
Learn to self motivate?
You know it's possible to have a PW and self motivation, right?
Superpump Max.
Remember a PW isn't supposed to make you feel like you're on crack.
If you don't feel anything you need a break. (tough i know)
SP max is an all around good PW with no dyes and just the ingredients you need.
Learn to self motivate?
I agree with Snad, put the $$ into extra food. Yes there are days that I feel like garbage but I still go and get the job done. If you want to spend the cash go ahead but it's like post workout drinks-it's not needed.
You can take pre workouts all day long and still sit around on your *** right? Taking a PW doesn't MAKE you go to the gym.
For some of us self motivation isnt a problem.
It about having that little something to help you really go best mode every now and then.
I cycle off the stuff for 8 weeks at a time. But the new formula sucks and does nothing for me. I feel absolutely nothing taking it. The old stuff could give me a boost on those days where every muscle is aching but you know you need to hit the gym. I'll have to check out the Superpump though. Thanks.
That's cause the old Jackd had 1.3 dimly in it (now banned) and it was not good for you. That's why you felt unstoppable.