Yeah, as you lose weight you will see the bones in your face a bit more. It's pretty cool as it happens, like you are seeing an entirely new you. You will also start to see the veins in your hands, arms and feet...which is neat as well. All of this lets you know that you are dropping overall body fat.
Yeah, i actually have a semi-pointed jawline when the natural one shows. It's getting there, not yet though.
A big reward for me when this reaches a certain point will be losing weight in my hands so I can wear my class ring again. I got it my sophomore year of high school, but since sophomore year of college, it hasn't fit, but I'd still like to wear it, I just don't want to resize it because you really should resize that stuff too much, at least back and forther smaller and bigger, continually smaller is ok, and doing that would just be accepting my fatness, which I don't want to do, so when I can finally wear it again, I'll know I've really made progress, and I'll be happy to wear it.
Right now I can get it just about my knuckle closes to my hand then it gets stuck

, but before I couldn't even get it that far.
As much as I do hope to have this all help with the ladies eventually, it's just a crazy journey for myself. Looking in the mirror and seeing someone I've never seen before is a strange journey, especially where I started, to quote my favoirte Pacino speech, "I don't even like the face I see in the mirror." I'd hate looking at myself, and naturally every bathroom sink on the planet has a mirror in front of it so you can't miss, but now I get excited for an excuse to look