Things I Hate

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the only thing I really hate about winter is driving on snowy or icy streets.

That's the best part about winter here in Canada. l love drifting in between the light poles at the mall and Walmart parking lots. l got pulled over by a cop about 4 years ago for stunting on icey roads, luckily the cop let me go since he was friends with my dad.
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I hate that feeling too. My priorities are a mess. Then again, I thought I got screwed on gas taxes at the pump so that roads would be in a condition to do significantly less damage to my car. There's always a backlash to that stuff. For instance, if I get a ticket unjustly, I'll usually go and buy something equal to the price of the ticket. Futile, yes. Grossly satisfying, also yes.
Flaky buyers who state they're going to buy an item you're selling, waste your time trying to get an exact shipping quote and then back out with some lame excuse.....:slap

I've been seeing a lot more of that lately ......
Summer is about to end for me and I feel like I've got nothing to show for it. Everything I planned to do, like fixing things up in the house, or going out places and having fun just never seemed to happen. As I get older, each year seems to go faster and faster and I find myself getting more cynical.

Yeah I work and all that but it just doesn't feel like I accomplished anything that I wanted to do. The only thing that happened consistently was the insane growth of the grass outside. I got to be a part of The Dark Knight Rises, but that's actually not as fun as one would imagine. Going in, I thought it would be the greatest thing ever but the scheduling just seemed to make the months go faster. Plus with everything I was a part of being leaked almost immediately by others (some of whom were also taking part), the "chance of a life time" sort of lost it's exclusivity after day one.

I don't know. It's not just the summer either, life in general seems to be flying by. I just hope I don't wake up one day, on my death bed, still feeling this way. This is coming from a youngin too. I guess I just feel lost, if that makes sense.
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Flaky buyers who state they're going to buy an item you're selling, waste your time trying to get an exact shipping quote and then back out with some lame excuse.....:slap

I've been seeing a lot more of that lately ......

You and me both. :dunno

I also hate people who can't be bothered to take the garbage from their car into their house and throw it away. Instead they just throw it in the grass.:slap

i chose $$ over a shot at military career. now, haunted by thoughts of would've, should've, and could've been. :/