Things I Hate

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Watching a person deteriorate in a matter of weeks disgusts me. I hate it.

Watching a person deteriorate in a matter of weeks disgusts me. I hate it.

Cancer is such a hideous disease and so prevalent it feels like each year you live without it feels like you're dodging a bullet. It can strike at any age, and to anyone. It is cruel :(
Cancer is such a hideous disease and so prevalent it feels like each year you live without it feels like you're dodging a bullet. It can strike at any age, and to anyone. It is cruel :(

Been there done that..... :wave Almost 6 years _____es!! :lol

The interesting part is the change in mental state after you've gone through the holocaust look........:horror
Been there done that..... :wave Almost 6 years _____es!! :lol

The interesting part is the change in mental state after you've gone through the holocaust look........:horror

Sheezus, kudos to you Thrifty. Only someone who's been through it could use the word 'interesting' to describe that kind of change :lol

I hope you'll excuse my ignorance, but it seems to me that battling cancer and armed combat belong in those life experience categories that you can't begin to understand until you've lived through them. Good health to you sir!
Sheezus, kudos to you Thrifty. Only someone who's been through it could use the word 'interesting' to describe that kind of change :lol

I hope you'll excuse my ignorance, but it seems to me that battling cancer and armed combat belong in those life experience categories that you can't begin to understand until you've lived through them. Good health to you sir!

Funny you used the word battling.... I always hear that and IMO don't get it.. (no offense to you). Cancer patients use it also.

I would use the word acceptance to describe it. I had to accept my body was crapping out, accept the drugs/radiation and their side affects, accept myself cause when you're there you're alone and to accept that the only thing I had was that acceptance.....

Oh and to stay on topic I still hate slow drivers in the left lane.....Fr's.........:thwak

You're awesome thrifty. :duff

The left lane is for passing. It's not for people who want to drive half a mile per hour faster than the people in the right lane. :lecture

Shat's backwards out here....... If you want to pass everyone stay in the right lane... They avoid it like it will give you cancer...... :lol
Here, they think the right lane is for going under the speed limit, and the left lane is for doing the speed limit or two mph over, tops.

I'm ready to just start flying everywhere I go. Whoever it was that gave these monkeys cars needs a sound beating.
I would use the word acceptance to describe it. I had to accept my body was crapping out, accept the drugs/radiation and their side affects, accept myself cause when you're there you're alone and to accept that the only thing I had was that acceptance.....

Oh and to stay on topic I still hate slow drivers in the left lane.....Fr's.........:thwak


Thank you for the insight, that'll stay with me Thrifty. I have three close relatives who are all dealing with breast cancer. I don't get to talk with them much about the deeper, emotional aspects of their disease because they always seem so intent on simply enjoying their day with their family. The moment never seems to present itself and I don't know how to raise it. Perhaps talking about it would be more for me than for them - they appear very happy and content. I guess this might relate to that notion of acceptance you speak of.

On the motoring theme, I hate drivers who don't move across a lane when there's merging traffic. I've not driven in the US, but here in Oz the done thing is to move into the free lane where safe to allow the merging driver to enter the inside lane. It makes everything flow more smoothly. But some just don't get it.
The driving shat all comes down to a lot of people being self centered douches who don't care that there's others around them.

The simple things like holding the door when someone's behind you or saying the words "thank you" when someone does it for you....
I was at a supermarket years ago....there was an elderly lady that was 2 bucks short and was going to have to put something back, so I stepped forward and gave her the money. She was a bit embarrassed but totally grateful that someone would still do that in this day and age. The sad thing was that all the other people in the line just stood there staring at her like she was a freak and couldn't give a damn. I hate ____ like that. :mad:
Little things like that seem so basic, but it seems like most people need to get broadsided to recognize the value of common courtesies. There are officially 7 billion people on this planet. How anyone can think that living as if the rest did not exist will help their situation is beyond me. I see a lot more friendliness than I've come to expect, but the extent to which so many act entitled to live by a standard they refuse to afford anyone else is still more than I can stomach.
This pretentious lying prick who keeps posting statements as if he's been wronged by Sideshow numerous times when I'd bet my left nut that he only has a handful of Sideshow's products, then continues to derail the thread with pictures of another companies products. Also took credit on an artwork that he didn't create then just shrugs it off when people pointed it out. ____in' garbage!

Oh & As h ton Kutcher.
I was at a supermarket years ago....there was an elderly lady that was 2 bucks short and was going to have to put something back, so I stepped forward and gave her the money. She was a bit embarrassed but totally grateful that someone would still do that in this day and age. The sad thing was that all the other people in the line just stood there staring at her like she was a freak and couldn't give a damn. I hate ____ like that. :mad:

Well that is rare. I remember one time l was about 17 and stuck at this really small mall. I asked a woman in her late 50's if l could have 25cents to use the pay phone, she raised her voice and said "is that what it's really for", no am going to buy a bag of crack with that 25cents. I hope she had a stoke since then, beotch.
Well that is rare. I remember one time l was about 17 and stuck at this really small mall. I asked a woman in her late 50's if l could have 25cents to use the pay phone, she raised her voice and said "is that what it's really for", no am going to buy a bag of crack with that 25cents. I hope she had a stoke since then, beotch.

And you wonder why nobody likes you. :dunno