Things I Hate

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Something tapping at my window at night. I thought it was bugs, but when I open the blinds there's nothing there.

There is a door going to the patio from the living room of my wife's house that some times "bangs" but I can not tell for sure why. It seems to me that it is catching on something ever-so-slightly, but it eventually gives and closes an almost indiscernible amount of the way with a bang. It almost seems like something is giving it a sharp kick.

Fortunately, my kids are not in the ghost and goblin crowd so they make jokes about ghosts, but understand that the event has an explanation based in reality.

I have to admit, on a recent visit, I ended up at the house alone waiting for the kids to get back and I was watching TV when that happened and it startled the hell out of me...even though I know it happens.:)
Tomato, tomahto...:dunno

It is a love child of Havoc and Wolverine from the X-Men.

How about bad friends?

I work nights at a hotel on the waterfront. It's in a historic district with around 100 bars and restaurants in less than a square mile area. Lots of tourists, and on the weekend, lots of drunk tourists.

Saturday night, a bunch of rich kids from Cambridge, MA went out drinking. At the last bar on their way back to the hotel (right across the street from us), one of them got turned away at the door for being too drunk. This is a bar that will serve you until you're falling down, so for them to not let him in, he had to be annihilated.

His friends went in and left him alone. Sunday moning, they couldn't find him. When I heard about it Sunday night, they still couldn't find him. First thing to cross my mind was confirmed on the news while I was driving in tonight. They found a shoe, his cell phone and a the water. Still no body, but the odds aren't good.

The only thing I could think of watching the boatshoes and Kennedy haircuts wringing their hands over their missing friend was that their timing was way off. Probably could have saved a lot of people a lot of grief if they had been paying attention when it counted.