Things I Hate

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Yup. You don't leave your friends behind.

Dayum, that doesn't sound good. His friend will feel like a right ____ if anything has happened to him.

That reminds me of one time I went away with an old mate of mine.I think it was one of my Gran Canaria holidays (my memory sux).
I was 20 (or thereabouts) I went away with some friends and one night we travelled to another town than the one we were staying at. At about 1am, the three other girls wanted to go back to where we were staying but one didn't. My best friend didn't want to and she wanted to stay where she was. So I wouldn't leave her on her own, in a foreign country and drunk in a different town that we were staying in.
She actually fell out with me for days because of that, silly cow.
This was my best friend and she was pissed that I didn't leave her on her own when she was off her head.

I don't understand people who don't look out for their friends.
x :peace

What do I hate, these basterds..God I hate them, right now one of those went into my room and hid in the closet, i cant find it, is going to drive me insane, i cant sleep in there if i dont find it... ill have to sleep in the guest room... F___ me
I hate that my modem died last night. More money I have to spend that I hadn't planned on. :(

Edit: I'm on DSL still, if anyone can suggest a good wireless router. Let me know. I won't be able to read any comments after 1 pm est though. I have to be off the internet by then.

Thanks in advance. :)
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What do I hate, these basterds..God I hate them, right now one of those went into my room and hid in the closet, i cant find it, is going to drive me insane, i cant sleep in there if i dont find it... ill have to sleep in the guest room... F___ me

I would have all the portable lights in the house in front of the closet, dissecting the closet's contents piece by piece until I found that MOFO. :lecture:lecture:lecture
How about bad friends?

I work nights at a hotel on the waterfront. It's in a historic district with around 100 bars and restaurants in less than a square mile area. Lots of tourists, and on the weekend, lots of drunk tourists.

Saturday night, a bunch of rich kids from Cambridge, MA went out drinking. At the last bar on their way back to the hotel (right across the street from us), one of them got turned away at the door for being too drunk. This is a bar that will serve you until you're falling down, so for them to not let him in, he had to be annihilated.

His friends went in and left him alone. Sunday moning, they couldn't find him. When I heard about it Sunday night, they still couldn't find him. First thing to cross my mind was confirmed on the news while I was driving in tonight. They found a shoe, his cell phone and a the water. Still no body, but the odds aren't good.

The only thing I could think of watching the boatshoes and Kennedy haircuts wringing their hands over their missing friend was that their timing was way off. Probably could have saved a lot of people a lot of grief if they had been paying attention when it counted.


Dayum, that doesn't sound good. His friend will feel like a right ____ if anything has happened to him.

That reminds me of one time I went away with an old mate of mine.I think it was one of my Gran Canaria holidays (my memory sux).
I was 20 (or thereabouts) I went away with some friends and one night we travelled to another town than the one we were staying at. At about 1am, the three other girls wanted to go back to where we were staying but one didn't. My best friend didn't want to and she wanted to stay where she was. So I wouldn't leave her on her own, in a foreign country and drunk in a different town that we were staying in.
She actually fell out with me for days because of that, silly cow.
This was my best friend and she was pissed that I didn't leave her on her own when she was off her head.

I don't understand people who don't look out for their friends.
x :peace

Although I make a point of watching out for those I go out with, I never depend on others myself. There are simply too many people in the world that are too selfish. The vast majority, it seems to me. I consider it to be silly to rely on others for my own safety. So I just make sure I don't have to.
Although I make a point of watching out for those I go out with, I never depend on others myself. There are simply too many people in the world that are too selfish. The vast majority, it seems to me. I consider it to be silly to rely on others for my own safety. So I just make sure I don't have to.

I don't see what's wrong with holding one responsible for their own actions. :dunno
I was going to mention about how fast those bastiges are. I had one each on two separate occasions in the closet in my room when I was working in Phoenix earlier this year. Each one took me about ten minutes using Nam's hunting method to "neutralize".

But there was no not-doing-it once I knew they were there.
im using a broom and a can of lysol to find it and kill it, for some reason my house has them, my previous home didnt, i dont know why, but here they come inside,
Im just afraid if i sleep ill wake up with that thing on my head.... and they really walk like little facehuggers..

A broom is too easy to escape with bristles. Swap it out with something less survivable. I'd also trade out the lysol for hairspray. :lecture:lecture:lecture
a Fly swatter is too small, like, too short so it could jump on my arm, and too small to kill it,

whats the difference with the hairspray?

You should be quick enough to bat him back with the fly swatter if he jumps at ya. Swat him back then splatter the sumbich! As for hairspray, it has the same choking effect and will also slow him down by adhering to the hairs on his body. Most often a spider will curl in reflex when hit with it.
yeah, i tried killing one on the roof last year, it freaking jumped at me, i screamed.... they can get as big as your hand
Bloody hell!, even just talking (well, reading) about them now is making me look about for any spiders....ugh :panic:

If I see spiders I squish 'em, or throw them over the balcony but there's no way we get jumping ones as big as your hand here, that I know of anyway.
Was he old enough to be drinking?

Yes. Harvard School of Business senior. They were celebrating graduation, which is Thursday.

Although I make a point of watching out for those I go out with, I never depend on others myself. There are simply too many people in the world that are too selfish. The vast majority, it seems to me. I consider it to be silly to rely on others for my own safety. So I just make sure I don't have to.

I agree 100%. I've ended myself up in more trouble drunk and by myself than I care to remember. I never expected or looked for so much as a wingman.

But I have to wonder if this guy did trust them--in the event that worse came to worst--to not let him die.

I don't see what's wrong with holding one responsible for their own actions. :dunno

It's on no one but himself that he died, but it's a cold, implacable fact that not one of his friends took any action to prevent his death. Cell phone records showed that he was calling them for directions back to the hotel (which was right across the street). No one answered. They didn't know there was a problem until they woke up the next morning.

Personally, I hold his friends in extreme contempt. Not because it was their fault. I honestly think that it was the best they could do (which is pathetic considering their pedigree), but I think they should have known their limits enough to not let a kid who they call friend stumble out the door to drown by accident. It could have been any one of them and they all deserve scorn for being oblivious enough to not ____ up the conceivable worst. The stupidity infuriates me. That death could be so ____ing senseless is ____ing obscene. ____ing dumbasses.