Things I Hate

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People who complain about Sideshow price hikes and keep complaining about them like it is going to make a difference. Also, people who don't understand the concept of, "If you don't like it, then don't buy it."
I actually hate when you go number 2, and there is a precise and exact drop that jumpa out of the water as the log falls right into your "brown eye" that crap is like a heat seeking missile, so precise, :gah:

and it always happens in public places, not at home, but places you dont want to have that water on you....

Know what you mean:lol Best method is putting some loo roll in the toilet first, splashback be gone! :lecture
I hate people who feel so threatened at the prospect of losing face that they feel justified in threatening or committing acts of violence.

Why do they think that stooping to the level of a sub-human brute will make up for their inability to match wits? Stupid rat bastards.

(I've been giving James Holmes---and people like him---way too much thought...)
:exactly: or 'chief' or anything like that when they're talking to me (a stranger from their POV) It makes me instantly suspicious of them.

Yeah... I realized this year that I used a LOT of these kind of terms when I posted online. I never say bro when I talk, but I typed it waaay too often. I'm trying to break myself of it. It started with saying Dude and Man and evolved into other words. I honestly think it started with my friend Jermaine... who says Bro a lot.

I hate it when people say it to me, yet I type it... wtf is wrong with me?! :horror