Things I Hate

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What's up with all of the wasp hate? Wasps are your friends. They let you come right up to their nests and poke it with a stick, if you like. They'll let you stick your hand in the nest and pet them. They are cuddly and like nothing more than to curl up on you in front of a nice warm fire and be petted...being gently scratched behind the wings is particularly comforting to them.

Seriously, though, wasps get a bad rap. In truth, MOST wasps do not sting in the way people fear. Of the nearly 100,000 species, very few of those species have actual stingers and venom and use them aggressively. Most wasps have ovipositors that are used specifically for implanting eggs in their prey...which are almost always some pest species. Because of this, they are incredibly beneficial to crop farmers.

Further, some species DO pollinate. And if you are a lover of figs...wasps are the ONLY, SINGULAR method of pollination. fig wasps equals no figs. And that would mean no fig newtons...and that would be a damned shame.
That is a japanese giant hornet. Some say that despite the fact that it is relatively docile, it kills more people in Japan than any other animal each year.

But saying that is a little deceptive. As there are very, very few deaths by animals in Japan each year, so it is pretty easy to be the animal that kills the most people. I don't know the exact numbers, though.

Edit - Oh, and by the way, as is not surprising due to their size, their stingers have been found to be 1/4 inch long. There venom is not particularly strong...but there is a lot of it compared to other species.
I don't care. Huge flying insects creep me the **** out. I don't mind the smaller ones, but screw that thing and screw carpenter bees, lol.
What's up with all of the wasp hate? Wasps are your friends. They let you come right up to their nests and poke it with a stick, if you like. They'll let you stick your hand in the nest and pet them. They are cuddly and like nothing more than to curl up on you in front of a nice warm fire and be petted...being gently scratched behind the wings is particularly comforting to them.

Seriously, though, wasps get a bad rap. In truth, MOST wasps do not sting in the way people fear. Of the nearly 100,000 species, very few of those species have actual stingers and venom and use them aggressively. Most wasps have ovipositors that are used specifically for implanting eggs in their prey...which are almost always some pest species. Because of this, they are incredibly beneficial to crop farmers.

Further, some species DO pollinate. And if you are a lover of figs...wasps are the ONLY, SINGULAR method of pollination. fig wasps equals no figs. And that would mean no fig newtons...and that would be a damned shame.

Around our area they are useless and go after garbage and any kind of food if you're outside. They will also kill honey bees.

I'll leave them alone most of the time, but if I had a nest around my house, they'll go BOOM!

I had an underground nest behind my garage. They would go crazy whenever I tried to mow. I waited till night, sprayed the nest full of hornet spray, and put a cement block on top of the hole. Believe me, I hate doing stuff like that, but I swell up terrible with the stings and I fear for my dog.

I understand that some are beneficial to certain things, but not around here. A fig wasp is tiny and kinda looks like a flying ant. Most beneficial wasps are very small.
My dog woke me up at 5am this morning. Took her outside where she promptly ate a bunch of grass and then threw up blood about 5 times in a 1/2 hour period. :(

Took her to the emergency vet and found out she has pancreatitis. :( We caught it early though so hopefully with a bland, low fat diet she will be back to normal in a couple days. $475 for some blood tests/stool tests, fluids injected under her skin because she was dehydrated and couldn't keep down water, a shot to help with nausea and 3 cans of prescribed dog food. I said no to the x-ray (to see if she had any blockages) which would have been an additional $200.

I'm thinking I probably won't do the canned dog food - so much filler crap in it, even though it's supposed to be all good for them and just stick with a diet of boiled chicken and brown rice.

Makes me sad that my little girl isn't feeling well. :(
My dog woke me up at 5am this morning. Took her outside where she promptly ate a bunch of grass and then threw up blood about 5 times in a 1/2 hour period. :(

Took her to the emergency vet and found out she has pancreatitis. :( We caught it early though so hopefully with a bland, low fat diet she will be back to normal in a couple days. $475 for some blood tests/stool tests, fluids injected under her skin because she was dehydrated and couldn't keep down water, a shot to help with nausea and 3 cans of prescribed dog food. I said no to the x-ray (to see if she had any blockages) which would have been an additional $200.

I'm thinking I probably won't do the canned dog food - so much filler crap in it, even though it's supposed to be all good for them and just stick with a diet of boiled chicken and brown rice.

Makes me sad that my little girl isn't feeling well. :(

I'm sorry, Jen; that's awful. :monkey2
My dog woke me up at 5am this morning. Took her outside where she promptly ate a bunch of grass and then threw up blood about 5 times in a 1/2 hour period. :(

Took her to the emergency vet and found out she has pancreatitis. :( We caught it early though so hopefully with a bland, low fat diet she will be back to normal in a couple days. $475 for some blood tests/stool tests, fluids injected under her skin because she was dehydrated and couldn't keep down water, a shot to help with nausea and 3 cans of prescribed dog food. I said no to the x-ray (to see if she had any blockages) which would have been an additional $200.

I'm thinking I probably won't do the canned dog food - so much filler crap in it, even though it's supposed to be all good for them and just stick with a diet of boiled chicken and brown rice.

Makes me sad that my little girl isn't feeling well. :(

I just had pancreatitus not too long ago and it's not fun. It can just be a one shot thing, so hopefully that's what it will be with her. I had to watch what I ate for a few days as well.

My girlfriend doesn't feed her dog anything other than chicken, brown rice and I think veg-all or some kind of mixed vegetables. It's never had dog food of any kind.
do it the Rorschach way

yeah please do not kill bees, we need them, we need them to survive, without bees humans could not live long,
I don't mind regular bees. They can fly around me all they want, so long as they don't get prickly.

However, I don't care even if it's an endangered species, if its big, fat ass is flying in my face... it's getting the **** out of it one way or the other. For whatever reason, spiders and overgrown flying bugs are creepier to me than snakes, something the rest of my bloodline seems morbidly afraid of. :dunno