Things I Hate

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:lol Could be. In which case I (almost) agree. ADD is real, but grossly over-diagnosed, and often used as an excuses for bad behavior/laziness.


So many excuses these days.
I have ADD.
I am clinically depressed.
I am ____

A good chunk of the time, it's all just excuses for laziness and lack of motivation to get off their ass and get things done.
Most people burn flags because they're too chicken**** (or lazyassed) to actually go out and take the effort to actually make a difference. :lol

Or, it's because they think that kind of insult confers some kind of power on them. They think because people hold the object as sacred, they do damage to the reverence for the object. They honestly believe that what they're doing makes a difference.

In truth, they cannot touch the value that the object represents. All they can do is throw a tantrum in its general direction, as if making an ass of themselves is a valid refutation. In trying to nullify it, they actually give recognition to the fact that it's a value. They pay homage. They can't defile that which has no worth.

Desecration is a joke. I'm incapable of taking it seriously.
Or, it's because they think that kind of insult confers some kind of power on them. They think because people hold the object as sacred, they do damage to the reverence for the object. They honestly believe that what they're doing makes a difference.

In truth, they cannot touch the value that the object represents. All they can do is throw a tantrum in its general direction, as if making an ass of themselves is a valid refutation. In trying to nullify it, they actually give recognition to the fact that it's a value. They pay homage. They can't defile that which has no worth.

Desecration is a joke. I'm incapable of taking it seriously.

My point. It's easier for some idiot to burn a flag than to get off their ass and actually work toward changing what made them think of burning it in the first place. It's a chicken**** act.
I didn't know they could do this and I hate that they can. It explains alot in why alot of the kids at my school are dirty and hungry, while their parents have good clothes, tats, piercings, smoke, drink and have blackberry phones...

When she went to Walmart, Michigan mother Leann Ward used her Bridge Card and asked for 100 dollars cash back as part of the assistance she receives from the state. She took the money and went to a store next door to buy cleaning supplies, only to find that the cash she had been given at Walmart was counterfeit. When Ward took the fake bill back to Walmart, she was told they couldn't do anything for her because she had left their building. Despite being out 100 dollars, Ward isn't too upset, saying that her family could scrape along for a few weeks, and just wants her neighbors to know that there is fake money circulating.

I never knew they could get cash back from their food stamp card.

I didn't know they could do this and I hate that they can. It explains alot in why alot of the kids at my school are dirty and hungry, while their parents have good clothes, tats, piercings, smoke, drink and have blackberry phones...

I never knew they could get cash back from their food stamp card.


I don't think there's a single day I've walked my daughter to school that I see that. Parents all dressed nice and warm in the latest Affliction garbage, their kids, coatless, wearing thrashed second-hand (or 4th, 8th, etc) clothes. Any self respecting parent would do the opposite.
My point. It's easier for some idiot to burn a flag than to get off their ass and actually work toward changing what made them think of burning it in the first place. It's a chicken**** act.

For me, the delusional behavior stands out more than the cowardice. They think it makes them tough. Yeah, they're declaring their effeminacy, but the fact that they can't tell the difference between one and the other is more impressive to me.



Holy books are even worse. What kind of sopping wet clam burns a book? :dunno
My point. It's easier for some idiot to burn a flag than to get off their ass and actually work toward changing what made them think of burning it in the first place. It's a chicken**** act.

Like drinking alcohol or taking drugs to escape from your problems instead of doing something to fix them.
Or burning effigies of whomever. It's all silly nonsense. :cuckoo:

And if that's the kind of man who'd burn a book, what kind of man would burn a house of worship?

Little effeminate men with tiny mustaches. :lecture:lecture:lecture

That line of reasoning doesn't apply to those for whom not being able to procure their drug of choice is in fact their problem.

Of course it does. It applies to their fundamental problem, which is believing they need drugs in the first place.
Of course it does. It applies to their fundamental problem, which is believing they need drugs in the first place.

It's not a question of need in this case, it's a question of want. Many people are given to want to put whatever substances they feel like into their bodies, and it has nothing to do with 'need' or it being a function of a fundamental underlying problem with respect to how they choose to lead their lives. Who are you to say that they have a problem? That's just, like, your opinion, man.
I sense someone trying to justify their own habit ...


:lol I've moved beyond justifying the copious quantities of drugs I've taken over the years. I stopped smoking weed years ago because I realised that there were health issues associated with that method of consumption that had implications not just for me but for my young family. But I still enjoy some choice baked goods from time to time.

In my opinion, what people choose to put into their bodies shouldn't be anyone else's business - not Blackthornone's, not the government's, nobody. I only care about it when it affects others - ie the drunkard who gets behind the wheel of a car, or bashes his wife or bystanders. Or the smack addict who rips people off to sustain their habit. Or the meth-head who crazies himself around the streets at all hours freaking people out with their aggro behaviour.

Outside of that, nobody is going to rightfully tell me I have a problem simply because I personally enjoy the headspace that accompanies a delicious hash cookie. Unless they have a problem themselves. Puritans are extremists. And I loathe extremism in all its forms.
Like drinking alcohol or taking drugs to escape from your problems instead of doing something to fix them.

I like the way I combine these two. I take the steps to correct the issues, then I do the drugs and wait for the results.

I sense someone trying to justify their own habit ...


Wouldn't that be a rationalization?