Things I Hate

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I can't even begin to describe the anticipation, as a toddler, of my dad coming back out of a store after he went in to pick up cigarettes or something. Sitting in the car, knowing he wouldn't bring out the same thing as last time, and that he would never fail to find something better. "Hurry up and eat that before we get home, and don't tell your mother.".

:lol love that he kept it from your mom.
What a great memory to have of your dad.

Dude...I have no forgiveness in my heart for those who would bring down Hostess. None.

Let's hope it's not over yet.

Hostess ran their business into the ground, then turned around and asked ONCE AGAIN, for the workers to take the hit for them. Something fishy about it.

I'm assuming it's lack of sales and squeezed margins. I know the prices around here have been extremely low on their products.

Got a Kroger near you? They have little powdered donuts that taste the same.

I don't. :monkey2

And I've seen the damage they've done. It's a vicious cycle.

Work for those who offer terms you agree with. Don't work for those who offer terms you don't. No one owes anyone a job.

The union leaders, in combination with the politicians, have absolutely dessimated the state of IL, cashing in on huge six figure pensions. They're even allowed double-dipping on pensions after a few hours of "consulting" for school districts! WTF!?!

When austerity finally happens in this state, it won't be the "leaders" that pay the piper, it will be those these laws were meant to protect. :mad:
No! :mad:

People who go to the Texas State Fair are always raving about the Fried Coke and the Fried Peanut Butter Jelly and Banana sandwich. I know it's garbage, but I would probably try it just once. That fair has all kinds of different food inventions for the adventurous eater.


Misreading a parking sign and having my car towed. Four hundred farkn' dollars. The kind of amount that has you saying rational stuff to yourself to keep your stupidity and loss in perspective, but still leaves you feeling bummed about it.
Less satisfying than a Tamashii C-3PO, huh?

Personally, that's ridiculous. Parking space is precious down there, or what?

:lol you know, that damned action figure was the first thing I thought of when I added up the fines.

Basically I was legitimately parked up to 3pm, but after 3pm that space became a clearway. I was hit up over 200 bucks for the actual infringement and 180 bucks for the tow. Sydney is brutal on clearways because road real estate is precious. Goddam. And all the while I've got my 6 year old asking questions about it, like how vehicle registration works and how can they track you down if you just don't pay the... how much was it again dad? - and I'm having to put on my zen-half glass full-happy face 'cause I don't want her to think how stupidity and losing money can ruin an otherwise really cool day.

She made up for it at tuck-in time though when she said, "You know 400 dollars isn't as much as you might think".

Of course 5 minutes later I knew this to be complete bullsh- t, but for a short time there I did feel a lot better.
Your daughter is a good student. :lol

At one of my hotel jobs, a New York Times Magazine reviewer stayed the night with her boyfriend. They ignored the parking signs and got towed to the whopping tune of $135. He came to the desk to tell me who he was, and to ask me what the hotel was going to do about their towing fee. I told him nothing, and he tried threatening a bad review. Argued for forty minutes and all I could think of was the one night that I had parked in the same spot and forgot to move my car in time. I made $10 an hour at the time and had to borrow it from the bank at the hotel because I was broke and would have been walking 50 miles home.

I wanted to give him the zen lesson with my boot square in his half empty ass. That guy should have been paying $400.