Things I Hate

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Maybe I should be posting this in the Metal thread,

but I really hate Moshpits, I really really hate those. Can't enjoy a nice concert without looking over my shoulder every 10 seconds from fear of having a drunk A___ punch me in the back or something.

I know moshpits are the norm at metal shows but I really hate them. I mean you spend money to just pretty much get in a giant fight? those people are not even seeing the band at all, makes me wonder why they go in the first place.
If they want to beat people up that bad either start a fight club or something I don't know.
I hate moshpits. Freaking savages.

Yea, i would only go in the mosh pit when i went to a good black metal show or indie shows at times mind you, back when i was 18-24ish then i started standing further back and just taking in the music with my buddy over some beers which is much better.

I find the worst fans to show up at a show or even say at a metal/rock bar are the wigger-ish type hardcore guys with short hair that feel they have to overcompensate by throwing cheap shots at other guys in the pit(not to mention they look dumb while headbanging), i would hit so many of those guys in the face with my hair as it was down to my ass at one point, good times.

From 99-2007ish my hair was this long and got longer though i got a trim every now and again..


Cut it later in 07 and eventually stopped dying it black.



:monkey4 :pow I don't even-
Maybe I should be posting this in the Metal thread,

but I really hate Moshpits, I really really hate those. Can't enjoy a nice concert without looking over my shoulder every 10 seconds from fear of having a drunk A___ punch me in the back or something.

I know moshpits are the norm at metal shows but I really hate them. I mean you spend money to just pretty much get in a giant fight? those people are not even seeing the band at all, makes me wonder why they go in the first place.
If they want to beat people up that bad either start a fight club or something I don't know.
I hate moshpits. Freaking savages.

Did anybody else picture some EMO idiot in skinnyjeans holding onto the gate for dear life while getting repeatedly body-blocked? :rotfl

Try paying for a seat, ya cheap bastich. :wave
I dont know where to post this, but I thought I'd share it. Yesterday my wife and I were stuck in traffic on the freeway and we thought it was a major car accident up ahead, but as we got closer we saw a bunch of dead bodies on the side of the road covered up. We didn't see no glass, no car parts, nothing. You see 30 minutes before we were on the other side of the freeway going south and saw nothing, but as we came back north we saw a whole bunch of police and detectives scanning the freeway with flashlights looking for something perhaps evidence. This happened in that 30 minute window because there is no way they can clean up a car accident that fast especially one that can take all those lives. It looked like something out of Sons of Anarchy or Law and Order. I've been looking for it in the newspaper and all over the internet and have found nothing. I'm just surprised there is no trace of it anywhere.
I dont know where to post this, but I thought I'd share it. Yesterday my wife and I were stuck in traffic on the freeway and we thought it was a major car accident up ahead, but as we got closer we saw a bunch of dead bodies on the side of the road covered up. We didn't see no glass, no car parts, nothing. You see 30 minutes before we were on the other side of the freeway going south and saw nothing, but as we came back north we saw a whole bunch of police and detectives scanning the freeway with flashlights looking for something perhaps evidence. This happened in that 30 minute window because there is no way they can clean up a car accident that fast especially one that can take all those lives. It looked like something out of Sons of Anarchy or Law and Order. I've been looking for it in the newspaper and all over the internet and have found nothing. I'm just surprised there is no trace of it anywhere.

You could try emailing or calling your local tv station and saying something to them about it.
I dont know where to post this, but I thought I'd share it. Yesterday my wife and I were stuck in traffic on the freeway and we thought it was a major car accident up ahead, but as we got closer we saw a bunch of dead bodies on the side of the road covered up. We didn't see no glass, no car parts, nothing. You see 30 minutes before we were on the other side of the freeway going south and saw nothing, but as we came back north we saw a whole bunch of police and detectives scanning the freeway with flashlights looking for something perhaps evidence. This happened in that 30 minute window because there is no way they can clean up a car accident that fast especially one that can take all those lives. It looked like something out of Sons of Anarchy or Law and Order. I've been looking for it in the newspaper and all over the internet and have found nothing. I'm just surprised there is no trace of it anywhere.

It depends really. Tow trucks will break the law to get to the scene of an accident and clean it up where if, say, the county sells out the coroner contract to a mortuary, the employees doing the removal might very well have been stuck in the same traffic you were in, trying to get to the scene. In a scenario like that, you'd have what you described, with the scene long being cleared before the removal van arrived to pick up the bodies. Also, sometimes, they have to wait for the coroner to arrive and pronounce (even if it's blatantly obvious, like a decap or dismemberment), and if he's stuck at another scene, it would also give time for a situation like that as traffic would need to be cleared to get things going again, while the bodies can be moved to the side to wait for the coroner.
I hate terrible news. :(

Not only do I find out that one of my students from a couple of years ago was hit by a truck and has died (he was 9), but I found out my oldest brother has emphysema and kidney cancer. Not sure right now what's going to happen with him, but it's very scary. Damn smoking. Please quit anyone who still smokes!

I'll be smoking my last cigarette at my father's grave on Monday. It will be three years to the day. I would have quit last Monday, but after the hangover my birthday left me was too much.

Really sorry to hear about your brother Kory. :( Stay hopeful.
I'll be smoking my last cigarette at my father's grave on Monday. It will be three years to the day. I would have quit last Monday, but after the hangover my birthday left me was too much.

Really sorry to hear about your brother Kory. :( Stay hopeful.

Thanks. I'm trying to. Until I hear how things are and what they're going to do, I'm trying not to worry.