Things I Hate

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Highschool was a joke and for college I was able to not try and make my A's without pressure until the very last semester with my thesis, Senior projects, etc... That lil tidbit there I had to slam down the gates and buckle down. It's the same story with the master program I had... easy until the VERY VERY END!!!

I still think every once in a while I have nightmares of cramming for test, and I've heard that thats actually quite common for folks. :(

i hate essay type exams.

makes you wonder if they really do check and read all that shat before they grade it.
My ass is hot.

I actually love Essay type exams because you can totally Bulls___ your way through them, I would fill pages and pages of stuff that I study about. And always got good grades on those.

I hated numbered question ones that asked specific dates or facts because I Was good at reading things and remembering them but I was really bad at remembering specific facts like dates. I hated those.

I loved studying, I Loved going to class and paying attention, I loved taking notes. I loved high school too. but I really hated tests when you didn't know what to study. I also loved study guides, some teachers would let us know what to study specifically so it was easy. I loved those.

I'm exactly the opposite :rotfl but I hate writing and reading. I'm more of facts, equations, proofs, math theorems.

Hate the christmas weather, its so ****ing cold & makes you feel lethargic & bored

I'm actually loving Christmas weather right now. It's supposed to be in the 60s all week and a high of 69 tonight :yess:
I hate how my 3 facebook pages are filled with Kate Middleton baby congratulation pictures and stories.

Whoppie Doo Doo!
I absolutely detest the word "Baby Bump". Seems like every week at work we have a baby shower for someone and I hear that stupid word. Drives me nuts. :gah: