Things I Hate

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Great, excellent way to put it. :goodpost:

Not trying to start an argument or anything but that is exactly the way I saw it as well. I never got the point of cigarettes. For years I would ask friends or people I knew "why they smoked?" I never got a real answer, everyone said something different but nothing concrete.

The closest to an explanation was that it "calms you down and helps you relax"
But like he put it you don't get high or drunk from cigarettes, so I never really understood why people smoke in the first place. To me it really never made any sense.
A non-smoker will never understand smoking. I was an athlete in HS. I was NEVER going to smoke. Fast forward a year and a half when I started in excavating. As Pixletwin posted, everyone else on my crew smoked so I started smoking. I smoked for probably 15 years till I succesfully quit. Still miss it today. It makes no sense. A product that raises your heart rate and blood pressure makes you feel relaxed but that's how I felt. I could be stressed the hell out and smoke a cigarette and it would take the edge off. I guess that's how people that smoke pot feel. the mighty have ponies. :yess:

A non-smoker will never understand smoking. I was an athlete in HS. I was NEVER going to smoke. Fast forward a year and a half when I started in excavating. As Pixletwin posted, everyone else on my crew smoked so I started smoking. I smoked for probably 15 years till I succesfully quit. Still miss it today. It makes no sense. A product that raises your heart rate and blood pressure makes you feel relaxed but that's how I felt. I could be stressed the hell out and smoke a cigarette and it would take the edge off. I guess that's how people that smoke pot feel.

I've smoked before, mostly in high school, never became a smoker but I had tried it, I just really never got it, smells really bad, burned my mouth and throat, Everything was nothing but negative, mostly annoying, felt like putting my face on the back of a car and getting all that exhaust pipe fumes on me lol.
I tried it more times and every single time I tried it I regretted it, just didn't do anything but piss me off.

I have heard about "taking the edge off" and "relaxing" by other friends, but I don't know, at least pot really makes you high.
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Why do you eat dessert?

because it is delicious, but you are actually eating something. Same as drinking alcohol, I hate the taste but I Do get it. Just like eating or even doing drugs, I don't think is okay but I understand it. Like I understand getting drunk, or drinking coffee,

but smoking is just taking this awful smoke in your mouth and lungs, it is not even a good experience, I also understand the nicotine dependency after a while, I just never got why all my friends became smokers for no reason, then when I asked them about it they wouldn't give me a real answer :dunno

I would compare smoking to chewing gum. pointless habit as well.
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When I was a little kid I thought smoking looked cool. My mom smoked, so I told her I wanted one. She sat me down with three cigarettes and told me I could smoke them. I got so f'king sick. I never smoked again.

She'd get in a lot of trouble for that kind of parenting decision today, but it worked.
I've never even tried a cigarette. Guess I hung around with the wrong (right) people :D I just don't understand why it would even be tempting in the first place. But then I say the same about foods that smell like $h!t.
It hasn't been as bad as it was in past attempts. Dreams have been extremely lucid. What gets me is the endless future of abstinence. I love cigarettes. I love smoking. What I hate is the cost and the health threat. A potential negative is generally not enough to convince me of the value of a certain pleasure, so I'm trying hard to charm myself with the little victories like enhanced taste, smell, circulation and the oxygen levels in my noggin.

My brother has erectile problems because of it if that helps you any. And now he has kidney cancer. As far as I know he's quit now. Hopefully.
Getting rear ended by a girl and her boyfriend who don't have insurance, a driver license, non owner of the car (he was driving her parents car without a license), stolen "borrowed" plates from another vehicle, etc...

My truck's hitch completely mangled her car's hood/radiator into her windshield while I have a slight bump the chrome part of my bumper.


Won't the parents' insurance cover you?

Glad you're okay though.
Me wonders where a-dev is eating.

I meant to convey that I don't eat bad-smelling foods that are eaten by other people. My point was isn't the natural tendency to move away from unpleasantly smelling things rather to smoke or eat them? Evidently not in all cases. But I don't get it.
I picked it up when I started drinking. Then it went well with smoking pot. Then it became something in its own right. Aroma, heat, sensation.

It has a lot in common with coffee, actually.

I have a girlfriend who only smokes when she drinks, and that's once or twice a month. I don't know how she does it.

I just want to say something about those e-cigarettes. Yes, they're smokeless, but they still have nicotine. You don't get the smoke and tar into your lungs, but you still get the nicotine, that can still cause your body problems, like causing cholesterol to stick in your viens and BP problems.
Won't the parents' insurance cover you?

Glad you're okay though.

In my accident I expected my insurance company (Allstate) could go after the minivan owner. Nope. As it was my insurance paid out for my damages and I had to cough up the $500 deducable. A court made him pay that part back to me.
The Only way I think I can make sense of smoking is that people have an oral fixation.

Same thing goes for gum chewing, or lollipop eating, and even toothpicks.

some people tend to have a fixation on this and need to constantly chew or bite something. So I guess I can understand smoking,
but there are a lot of other healthy choices,
like eating carrot sticks or biting on a pen, I guess gum is even better, even toothpicks (like I mention) could help with it,

seems to me like if people are smoking but they don't even have a good reason for it besides "it helps me chill"

it might be that it is not the cigarette itself but the act itself that relaxes people.
I meant to convey that I don't eat bad-smelling foods that are eaten by other people. My point was isn't the natural tendency to move away from unpleasantly smelling things rather to smoke or eat them? Evidently not in all cases. But I don't get it.

I know. Just razzin'
I picked it up when I started drinking. Then it went well with smoking pot. Then it became something in its own right. Aroma, heat, sensation.

It has a lot in common with coffee, actually.

I've been trying to stop smoking. It's hard to do. Especially after a bowl.

Been trying to drink coffee instead of having a smoke afterwords as well.

I have a girlfriend who only smokes when she drinks, and that's once or twice a month. I don't know how she does it.

I just want to say something about those e-cigarettes. Yes, they're smokeless, but they still have nicotine. You don't get the smoke and tar into your lungs, but you still get the nicotine, that can still cause your body problems, like causing cholesterol to stick in your viens and BP problems.

That's what I've been resorting too, ecigs. I think I'm gonna pick up some patches after I get paid. A friend of mine quit by sucking on those cheap "dumb dumb" suckers every time she had the urge. Leads me to think that the need to have something in your mouth after being a long time smoker is more addicting then the nicotine. Which, doesn't really give me a relaxing buzz anymore.