Things I Hate

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Ugly, fuzzy, icky bugs.

My sister in law had this cute evergreen reindeer that she was going to throw away and I said I'd take it. He was cute and small and I thought I could decorate him up like a Christmas tree for my desk at work. Anyway, I sat him in my room for now since my Christmas decorations are in my storage unit. Anyway, tonight I went into my room and I notice all this black stuff underneath the reindeer. I picked it up and some of the black things moved! The reindeer was infested with some kind of hairy larvae and they were everywhere! I sprayed the reindeer down with Raid and threw it in our dumpster then sprayed my room down and swept. Yuck......ewwwww.....blah. The reindeer was sitting in my sister in law's garage and I guess with the weather being so cool and damp, they waited till they were warm and dry before hatching out. Yay me!

Now I feel like things are crawling all over me. :(

pic? ?

I didn't take pics of them but Mom said she thinks their either pantry or carpet larvae. I'm thinking carpet since the reindeer was some kind of cloth like thing wrapped in fake evergreen and carpet larvae are bigger. These were big. Blah!

Not buying into that crap. Most of the updates are useless to Mr. Green. They'll force us to pay for service that we don't need, like cable. Mr. Green gonna keep Win 7 and 8.1 as long as he can.

Yea, lets see pics of bugs crawling all over Ween, lol.
no i was curious about the deer

Oh, here ya go. This is as close as I could find but it's completely plain, and about 5" tall.

I hate that this piece of garbage was allowed that close to a nuke plant. Can you imagine what could've happened?

How did gunman go from ordinary suburban kid to killer? - Yahoo News#

Prez Barry sez it's poverty and lack of opportunity....oh, wait...
He and his family are from Kuwait.
i guess Mom and Dad forgot to tell him that Bush Sr liberated their country from Saddam Hussein at risk of our own military including Marines.

This is guy was his own self fulfilling prophecy.
He laments in his yearbook how muslims are scrutinized and then a few years later shows us why:
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Hating the fact that most of my life has not gone at all the way I wanted it to. Everything that I've ever really wanted to do hasn't happened, even down to little things, and I've always been powerless to change it. I wish when I was younger I said NO more often, despite that doing that would've caused a lot of trouble.

Feeling ****** today. :(
Hating the fact that most of my life has not gone at all the way I wanted it to. Everything that I've ever really wanted to do hasn't happened, even down to little things, and I've always been powerless to change it. I wish when I was younger I said NO more often, despite that doing that would've caused a lot of trouble.

Feeling ****** today. :(

Hating the fact that most of my life has not gone at all the way I wanted it to. Everything that I've ever really wanted to do hasn't happened, even down to little things, and I've always been powerless to change it. I wish when I was younger I said NO more often, despite that doing that would've caused a lot of trouble.

Feeling ****** today. :(

Stop being powerless.
I try, but the older I get, the harder it is to "look on the bright side". I'm just in a funk right now. I'll get over it. I have to.

Keep dreams alive Ween! They are the stuff of youth.

My current dream is to read more books. Too much mindless browsing of vacuous internet crap is dulling my senses.

make lemonade sort of thing?

i never understood that, like having a positive attitude when bad things happen?
