Things I Hate

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Mentioning wisdom teeth, none of mine ever grew :lol. I have just one that partially came out, and it's been that way since I was 23. But, as for the others, nope.
Mentioning wisdom teeth, none of mine ever grew :lol. I have just one that partially came out, and it's been that way since I was 23. But, as for the others, nope.

That one that didn't come in will eventually bother you. I'm dealing with that now. :(
I hate to be a harbinger of doom for you, but I had a couple teeth pulled the other week, and it sucked!

I had 4 teeth taken out prior to getting braces when I was a teenager. Can't really remember what it was like but I expect wisdom teeth are worse. I have more recent experience with oral surgery though - had my tonsils removed about 5 years ago. That was unpleasant but I survived.

Damn, that sounds painfully expensive. I need a new hip at some point - it'll cost a bit, but I can't say it's money I would otherwise have spent on Iron Man dolls.

I was told it'll be about 700 euro. She mentioned sedation - I wonder if it'd cost more to go the general anaesthetic route, I'd kinda prefer that. It's great waking up from a general - ''You're finished? what was that 5 minutes?''. I'm not sure I want to be awake for the entire duration of my mouth being wedged open, gums being sliced up and teeth being ripped out of my head by brute force.

I have money saved up and it certainly wasn't earmarked for toys of any kind but I didn't exactly have this in mind either.
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I had 4 teeth taken out prior to getting braces when I was a teenager. Can't really remember what it was like but I expect wisdom teeth are worse. I have more recent experience with oral surgery though - had my tonsils removed about 5 years ago. That was unpleasant but I survived.

I was told it'll be about 700 euro. She mentioned sedation - I wonder if it'd cost more to go the general anaesthetic route, I'd kinda prefer that. It's great waking up from a general - ''You're finished? what was that 5 minutes?''. I'm not sure I want to be awake for the entire duration of my mouth being wedged open, gums being sliced up and teeth being ripped it out of my head by brute force.

I have money saved up and it certainly wasn't earmarked for toys of any kind but I didn't exactly have this in mind either.

700 Euro is not bad - but a general anaesthetic will bump the cost up significantly I'd expect, and may require a hospital stay.
What happened? I had a root canal after one of mine was capped.

Not paying mind to oral hygiene. They might just say to reapply the cap instead of pulling it out totally. Mr. Green gotta be more careful. Mental pain control is one thing but the extra blood vein sensitivity is no joke. Thinking its better to just pull it out and be more clean, lol. Mr. Green have been a dirty old man, :(

with ad blocker i dont have to see any of those lol
Hate my neighbors dogs and dislike the neighbors.

Not sure what kind they are. Tall lean short haired tan dogs. They look like they could be mean but aren't.

Anyway, these guys are always getting out of their yard. Well a couple weeks ago they decided to make a break for it again and dig under the fence into my yard, only to realize they just entered another enclosed space. So they get the bright idea to attack the the back fence breaking a few fence slats but not having any success. They then decide to dig again. But soon realize the 12x12 railroad ties buried there to keep the yard from eroding aren't going to budge. So one of them finally figures out that this **** ain't working and goes to the front fence and digs under it. Caking my outdoor AC condenser in mud. And they get out.

So damage is 3 gigantic holes in my yard and 4 broken fence slats. My wife tells the neighbors about them. Do they take care of it? :lol Of course not. I fix all the items. 3 days later the dogs dig into the yard again and back out the way they escaped......

Again, no assistance from the neighbors. I can't stand these dogs. You cant spend more than 4 minutes in the back yard before they start endless barking at you. Owner does nothing but shrug it off. Told my woman I'm going to leave a bucket of antifreeze in the yard for the next time the get in the yard and thirsty from digging.......
I had 4 teeth taken out prior to getting braces when I was a teenager. Can't really remember what it was like but I expect wisdom teeth are worse. I have more recent experience with oral surgery though - had my tonsils removed about 5 years ago. That was unpleasant but I survived.

I was told it'll be about 700 euro. She mentioned sedation - I wonder if it'd cost more to go the general anaesthetic route, I'd kinda prefer that. It's great waking up from a general - ''You're finished? what was that 5 minutes?''. I'm not sure I want to be awake for the entire duration of my mouth being wedged open, gums being sliced up and teeth being ripped out of my head by brute force.

I have money saved up and it certainly wasn't earmarked for toys of any kind but I didn't exactly have this in mind either.

better off going to the city of smiles.
get a tan.
get laid, everyday.
get your teeth done.
all within the price bracket.lolz