Things I Hate

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So it turns out the last puppy my neighbors had, that they mistreated in the same way as the first, that disappeared the same as the first, died from eating ham bones they fed it.

Oh and guess what. They have a new puppy.
So it turns out the last puppy my neighbors had, that they mistreated in the same way as the first, that disappeared the same as the first, died from eating ham bones they fed it.

Oh and guess what. They have a new puppy.

Makes no sense, does it? They'd probably hate me because after all that, I couldn't keep my mouth shut. :lol
Yeah, for me (as someone that has a high tolerance for stupidity and avoids confrontation/conflict), that has gone beyond something I could ignore/live with. Hope you find a way to sort them out. It's a tough situation and I'm not certain what I'd do in the same circumstances, but standing by and letting them kill and abuse dog after dog doesn't seem viable.
Yeah, for me (as someone that has a high tolerance for stupidity and avoids confrontation/conflict), that has gone beyond something I could ignore/live with. Hope you find a way to sort them out. It's a tough situation and I'm not certain what I'd do in the same circumstances, but standing by and letting them kill and abuse dog after dog doesn't seem viable.

Trouble is, you can report them, but as long as the dog has food and water, they won't do anything. If it's a healthy weight, they won't do anything. The animal has to show neglect. It just amazes me that people like them keep getting dogs that they don't take care of. Why bother then? Unless the enjoy torturing it.
Maybe they enjoy feeling above something because they don't feel above anyone else. Whatever the reason, it's a very sad situation. Some poor animal ending up in their ''care''.
Trouble is, you can report them, but as long as the dog has food and water, they won't do anything. If it's a healthy weight, they won't do anything. The animal has to show neglect. It just amazes me that people like them keep getting dogs that they don't take care of. Why bother then? Unless the enjoy torturing it.

it's probably like another piece of furniture to them. like a plant that is there to look pretty and thats it
So it turns out the last puppy my neighbors had, that they mistreated in the same way as the first, that disappeared the same as the first, died from eating ham bones they fed it.

Oh and guess what. They have a new puppy.

Yeah, for me (as someone that has a high tolerance for stupidity and avoids confrontation/conflict), that has gone beyond something I could ignore/live with. Hope you find a way to sort them out. It's a tough situation and I'm not certain what I'd do in the same circumstances, but standing by and letting them kill and abuse dog after dog doesn't seem viable.

xeno could record them abusing the dog too
Not sure what I can do now. The new puppy is way to small to jump over the fence, so I doubt they'll be leashing it to the tree anytime soon, and it has food/water.

It's not like they fed the previous dog ham bones to intentionally kill it or anything. They weren't aware of the danger.

What would I say if I called the police/animal control? "My neighbors had their previous two dogs leashed to a tree for prolonged periods of time, with food and water. One of the dogs was killed by eating ham bones, which the owner didn't know could be deadly for dogs. Not sure what happened to the other one. Oh and they have a new puppy now."

They're not intentionally abusing the dogs and I don't think the level of abuse will be viewed as severe enough for action to be taken.
Not sure what I can do now. The new puppy is way to small to jump over the fence, so I doubt they'll be leashing it to the tree anytime soon, and it has food/water.

It's not like they fed the previous dog ham bones to intentionally kill it or anything. They weren't aware of the danger.

What would I say if I called the police/animal control? "My neighbors had their previous two dogs leashed to a tree for prolonged periods of time, with food and water. One of the dogs was killed by eating ham bones, which the owner didn't know could be deadly for dogs. Not sure what happened to the other one. Oh and they have a new puppy now."

They're not intentionally abusing the dogs and I don't think the level of abuse will be viewed as severe enough for action to be taken.

The annoying thing is that's true. I wish incompetence was more punishable. Not feeding a dog cooked bones is like 'not killing your pet 101'.
There's a general notion that dogs can eat bones and these people bought into it - the phrase ''throw the dog a bone'' comes to mind. But it's nonsense and clearly very dangerous to the dog.
By the way guys, I didn't think this would get as much attention as it has in this thread so I've said these people were my neighbors, as I figured it would be easier to explain, but they're actually my grandmother's neighbors. I live just down the road from my grandmother and visit several times a week.

I'm afraid if I actually did contact anyone about them, that they might suspect my grandmother and cause her problems.
Still getting spots at almost 33. And that they feel the need to occur symmetrically like as though they are self-aware. I love symmetry as much as the next man but I could do without it in this case.
Still getting spots at almost 33. And that they feel the need to occur symmetrically like as though they are self-aware. I love symmetry as much as the next man but I could do without it in this case.

And yet spots are a sign of (relative) youth. When you stop getting them, or only rarely, their appearance will immediately remind you that you are no longer the spring-chicken you once were. Every step of the life cycle screws you over somehow.
you need to get checked a-dev...