Things I Hate

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Made with suet and dried fruit... Well shoot! Britain has something in common with Ukraine after all.

A viral video that shows a Florida man receiving a warning for allowing the smell of barbecue to waft off his property has some smoking mad.

Scotty Jordan uploaded a video on July 22 to Facebook that he says shows Pinellas County environmental specialist Joe Graham issuing a warning to Jordan and a friend for violating the country’s air quality law. The video, which has been watched over four million times, shows Graham telling Jordan that there's too much smoke emanating from Jordan's commercial-grade grill.

“I just took three pictures of smoke,” Graham explains. “I can smell it again right now. You’re allowed to have it smell on your property, so that doesn’t count, but when I’m on the street, that’s when it counts.”

Jordan can be heard laughing in the video as the specialist continues to explain the problem.

“Is that against the law?” one of the man questions.

Graham proceeds to pull out his handbook and informs the men that neighbors are allowed to call in if they have concerns about barbecue smoke. Pinellas County has a 24 hour hotline for residents to call in an emergency air quality complaint.

According to the ordinance, “commercial barbecue cookers are not exempt from causing a nuisance odor. If a sufficient number of complaints, representing different households, are reported and an Inspector witnesses the problem, they can issue a Warning Letter.”

The two men continue to laugh in disbelief and explain that other neighbors routinely cook out but no one appears to issuing warnings to them.

“So everyone in the whole world can cook out except me," Jordan can he heard saying.

Graham also says that in order to avoid a warning, the men should first check wind patterns before starting to barbecue—or upgrade their equipment to a newer model designed to curtail smoke and odors.

Graham's friend, who videoed the entire scene says, "We can't control the wind, God does that."

In an email obtained by Florida Politics, Pinellas County Administrator Mark Woodard says that the inspector was responding 15 smoke and odor grievances against Jordan's grill since September, 2014.

He said that Graham was merely sent out to educate the resident. According to SaintPetersBlog, no citation was issued to Jordan.
He's got a neighbor that doesn't like him I bet. Probably a vegan.

It's funny how I live out on the outskirts of town. Can't burn anything outside despite it being so open. Not even in a container, yet the factories around here can spew out all kinds of crap and stink. If the wind is blowing towards my house, it smells like burnt corncobs from the ethanol plant, yet I can't burn my old tax papers in a burn barrel on a day with no wind.
He's got a neighbor that doesn't like him I bet. Probably a vegan.

It's funny how I live out on the outskirts of town. Can't burn anything outside despite it being so open. Not even in a container, yet the factories around here can spew out all kinds of crap and stink. If the wind is blowing towards my house, it smells like burnt corncobs from the ethanol plant, yet I can't burn my old tax papers in a burn barrel on a day with no wind.

jesus thats rough
couldnt imagine that :(
Don't know which is worse: The people that actually speak like that (my niece) or the people trying to make funny videos about it.
Women have been doing this forever, nothing new.

I've never noticed it till a few months ago and now they have a name for it. Before that I always noticed the Valley girl type talk, "like whateva" kinda thing. This is different and exaggerated.

Another thing that has been going on for the past few years is these pop singers who sing like they're running out of breath. Hard to describe but it's annoying, but then, most pop singers today are annoying anyway. :lol

This popped up on my yahoo page just now..... :lol

Today I ****ing hate when people don't re-rack their weights in the right spot.

I'm sorry you're too weak to carry your big bad weights back to their appropriate spot, but I'm not getting paid by the gym to clean up after you. Every time I go to put my weights back and someone has put the wrong weights in their spot, I have to throw those ones on the ground, then put mine in the proper place. Although I'm sure that makes me seem like an ass that just throws weights on the ground...

Also, dude, change your gym attire more often. If you reek of BO and piss so strongly that I can smell you from 5 feet away, you need to change your gym clothes. I mean, you don't need to do your laundry every night, but be a bit conscious of how much/often you've sweat in the damned things.

You smelly bastard.

My annoyance with these things may be compounded by the 5am gym call.
Let's see pay 10 a more for gym use for 12 months or... buy home gym in 78 months... hmm...