Things I Hate

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It's sad that he went through all the effort to go through college and graduate school and didn't get to enjoy the benefits of it. However, it's no one's fault but his own. I don't drink myself, but there's nothing wrong in having a few to celebrate or enjoy oneself, but when you allow yourself to get as drunk as this guy, there's a real problem.
I'm not even against getting retardedly drunk. Just know who the consequences belong to, and don't earn any that you can't live with.

Also, don't die. Kinda the first rule of, um, life.
I hate tooth pain. Got a lot of dental work done in the past couple of months and my mouth kind of hurts when I chew and stuff. I'm super paranoid and freaked out about it.
Mentality of lets find what is wrong more than focusing on what is right.

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I have to admit to primarily using that mentality. I generally find it to be OK to take what is already correct for granted and to key in on what is not in order to plan to improve those deficiencies the next time around.

Not a popular mentality, but I believe in it.
I think you have to temper focusing on one by also focusing on the other. That's usually far more effective.
I think you have to temper focusing on one by also focusing on the other. That's usually far more effective.

This greatly depends on the individual. I am just talking about how I police myself. I feel that someone fawning over my successes is a form of coddling. And coddling, to me is too patronizing. If I have made a mistake...I don't need anyone to come in and say "good job, but..." I already know I did a good job. I simply do not need my feelings protected.

I am OK with someone coming in and saying "On your next project, I want to see...". I know everything else was good because I pay attention to the details while I am doing the project so I assume they agree or they would say otherwise.

If someone wants me to know they appreciate my work...the ONLY acceptable way to get that message accross to me is in my paycheck.

Good job = patronizing

More money = true appreciation


Oh, and for future reference...this completely does not apply for when I get back in to taking pictures of action figures. When I post a picture that I am proud of...I will be OK with people fawning over it...IF I ever post a good one.:lol
I hate the sippy cups Starbucks gives you with the little spill stopper stuck inside. Makes me feel like they should give me a bib and a highchair to sit in when I get coffee.
I hate scalpers. there was this dude I bough Spiderman from. we agreed to meet in person to save shipping (for me) in the near by mall. and he was telling me how he jumped right away to buy the exclusives regardless of wth made them exclusive lol, just because the word "exclusive" will make it worth "alot". As I was listening I was thinking "wow, this is one of those idiots I try to avoid and hate when I see their auctions on ebay" lol. He was telling me how he will sell the Spiderman and babydoll exclusives for like $300 and how he will keep them for a while in order to get more value bla bla. he has the T1000 for like $900 on ebay LMAO. wow what a crappy person.
I hate scalpers. there was this dude I bough Spiderman from. we agreed to meet in person to save shipping (for me) in the near by mall. and he was telling me how he jumped right away to buy the exclusives regardless of wth made them exclusive lol, just because the word "exclusive" will make it worth "alot". As I was listening I was thinking "wow, this is one of those idiots I try to avoid and hate when I see their auctions on ebay" lol. He was telling me how he will sell the Spiderman and babydoll exclusives for like $300 and how he will keep them for a while in order to get more value bla bla. he has the T1000 for like $900 on ebay LMAO. wow what a crappy person.

Yet you bought Spiderman from him. :dunno
packing your stuff and UN-packing your stuff. it sucks....

its like opening crappy presents you already know
I hate it that I got used to sleeping in such an ungodly hour & the only thing that'll return it to normal is when my body can't cope up with it (with work & all) & I blackout.
Loosing money in a casino !. I can't actually belive how much I spent and got caught up in the excitement. Nothing worse that being pissed off at yourself and not being able to get it off your mind. My dad had gambling problems and I've swore to myself I wont be gambling again ever now. I've never really done it anyway but just recently I've had a few mad bouts.
First it's fun and before you know it you're trying to win back what you lost. Idiots game !.