Super Freak
Oh and I think Bush senior was a really good president. I am not a liberal by any means.
Yea, he did a great job otherwise though...![]()
Bush sux, I agree. But I do not believe he played a big role in the the current economic crisis. The other failures he's contiributed to will be his legacy, but it shouldn't include this economic one.
You can call it that, but it's simple economics. A higher minimum wage means more job cuts, higher cost of product, and even increases the number of school drop outs and future earning potential of employees.
The vast majority of individuals on minimum wage are still living at home with their parents.
Having worked in management in the service industry at a time when minimum wage was constantly climbing I never saw this happen. We just raised prices. Of course, we also raised prices when the minimum wage didn't go up.
Biden will certainly direct Obama on International Diplomacy.
Cool good to know you agree. Did you vote for him in either 2000 or 2004 (if you don't mind me asking?) I know people's votes are sometimes personal so please do not feel obigated to tell me or post it on the forum. I am just curious, I have met many people who voted for him that admit he has not done a good job.
Well, I was going to stay out of this, but since you want to take it to this level...
Is the American health care system perfect? No, far from it. But that doesn't mean the knee-jerk reaction of socialism is the answer, either.
In the US, we already have socialism-based private "health maintenance organizations" in place. They aren't government funded, but they work basically the same way. By paying your regular membership fees, you get "complete" coverage, with no deductibles, no co-payments... And almost no real care.
When I was younger, I enrolled my family in one such system (Kaiser-Permanente). For skinned knees, broken arms, runny noses, and routine prenatal care, it worked great. Then my wife got sick. REALLY sick. But the doctors at the HMO kept refusing to administer the correct tests, because they cost too much, and didn't fit in their testing budget. So they took pot shots at trying to diagnose her problem, and the failed. Miserably. Luckily, I was given a chance to opt out of that system and enroll in a regular insurance program and find a regular family doctor, who tested for, and correctly diagnosed, several cancerous cysts in her uterus. Unfortunately, because of the length of time it took to get the right treatment, she was forced to have a hysterectomy. Had we stayed with the HMO, she would likely be dead.
So please, DON'T try to tell me that socialized medicine is better. It's not. Nothing anyone says will ever make me believe otherwise.
He was better choice than the dem alternatives but he's blown it pretty bad in his 2nd term.
He was better choice than the dem alternatives but he's blown it pretty bad in his 2nd term.
On a personal note...a VP who could easily get a gig in Playboy is such a hot idea.![]()
I'm curious to see how badly Obama screws up in the White House. I'll be very surprised if he isn't elected. McCain pulled up the stakes on my state of MI. He has an uphill battle. Needs most of the swing states. On a personal note...a VP who could easily get a gig in Playboy is such a hot idea.![]()
I trust Obama and what he says he wants to do. When I read or hear what he wants to do I think that has potential. I hear him speak and I feel like there just might be hope this country can actually get back on track and do what it should have been doing all along.
I love your sense of humor!!