Vice Presidential Debate Tonight - Biden vs. Palin.... DING, DING, DING

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I'm just peeking into this thread to see if it still sucks...

Yep. Still sucks. :lol

Here is a funny clip I found... Enjoy. :D

<EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>

Remember a vote for Mccain/Palin means you support Elisabeth Hasselbeck's views. Now ask yourself if you can live with that.

Why would you even leave yourself open to someone pointing out the other side of the extreme equation:


Hell, at least Hassebeck is hot. :lol
Cause everyone knows Rosie is the lesser of the two evil's DUH! C'MON!!

I'm just glad Ann Coulter hates both McCain and Obama. She hasn't had a reason to slither out from under her rock since Romney was no longer in the race.
I'm pretty sure the liberals wipe the floor in this department considering we've got 99% of Hollywood in our corner. :naughty

Liberals wipe the floor with plastic hot chicks, yes.

Who cares, the hottest chicks are all Moderates anyway (and they're also real). :lol
Sarah Palin is not the hot....IMO anyway. Pretty? Yes. The SMOKIN HAWT MILF WHO WHEN WINKS GIVES EVERYONE HARD ONS!111\

No. I disagree. Sorry.
I'll keep the thread on a civil note, as it's been lately, but all I know is this election is getting DIRTY. McCain/Palin bringing up Bill Ayers domestic terrorists ties, Obama bringing up the Keating Five. Since it's not looking too good for the few people that actually can see through the fluff, I'm glad there's no pulled punches. Last thing I'd want to do is find myself living in Cuba without having my party fight for me. Erm... maybe not so civil...

I'm looking forward to tomorrow's debate. I think the gloves will be coming off. Expect Obama's ties to domoestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Jeramiah Wright, Louis Farakhan to surface in the next couple of weeks.

Someone should start a thread, "Vice Presidential Debate Tonight - Obama vs. McCain - ROUND II.... DING, DING, DING"
Sarah Palin is not the hot....IMO anyway. Pretty? Yes. The SMOKIN HAWT MILF WHO WHEN WINKS GIVES EVERYONE HARD ONS!111\

No. I disagree. Sorry.

That's cause you're like 16. Anyone over 30 is probably gross to you. Trust me, she's a total MILF, whether you like her or not. Give it a few years, you'll come to your senses.
McCain/Palin bringing up Bill Ayers domestic terrorists ties, Obama bringing up the Keating Five.

I really don't get the Ayers stuff. Obama has had little real contact with him over the years and the guy is now a highly respected academic who hasn't run around blowing stuff up for 40 years. Maybe if Obama was his best friend when he was a kid the critics would have a point, but the Ayers thing always smells of a particular kind of desperation to me.

I would prefer Obama not dredge up the Keating 5 either. This should be an election about issues, but I suppose since the public has seen McCain's take and walked away, the GOP has little choice but to swift boat.
Excerpt from Thomas Sowell article published today:

"Associations are very different from alliances. Allies are not just people who happen to be where you are or who happen to be doing the same things you do. You choose allies deliberately for a reason. The kind of allies you choose says something about you.

Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, William Ayers and Antoin Rezko are not just people who happened to be at the same place at the same time as Barack Obama. They are people with whom he chose to ally himself for years, and with some of whom some serious money changed hands.

Some gave political support, and some gave financial support, to Obama's election campaigns, and Obama in turn contributed either his own money or the taxpayers' money to some of them. That is a familiar political alliance-- but an alliance is not just an "association" from being at the same place at the same time.

Obama could have allied himself with all sorts of other people. But, time and again, he allied himself with people who openly expressed their hatred of America. No amount of flags on his campaign platforms this election year can change that..."
Excerpt from Thomas Sowell article published today:

Yawn. Typical unthinking pablum. It's impossible for a rational person to dispassionately look at the Ayers situation and come away thinking it impinges on Obama one iota. I imagine many of these same extremist maniacs still think Nelson Mandela can amount to nothing. :rolleyes:

Jesus. What must all of Ayers' college students be guilty of?
Yawn. Typical unthinking pablum. It's impossible for a rational person to dispassionately look at the Ayers situation and come away thinking it impinges on Obama one iota. I imagine many of these same extremist maniacs still think Nelson Mandela can amount to nothing. :rolleyes:

Jesus. What must all of Ayers' college students be guilty of?

Careful, your ignorance is showing.
Thomas Sowell is no extremist demagogue.

ADDRESS: The Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305
(650) 723-3303

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago, 1968
A.M. in Economics, Columbia University, 1959
A.B. in Economics, magna cum laude, Harvard College, 1958

Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, September 1980 - present
Professor of Economics, U.C.L.A., July 1974 - June 1980
Visiting Professor of Economics, Amherst College, September- December 1977
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April- August 1977
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, July 1976 - March 1977
Project Director, The Urban Institute, August 1972 - July 1974
Associate Professor of Economics, U.C.L.A., September 1970 - June 1972
Associate Professor of Economics, Brandeis University, September 1969 - June 1970
Assistant Professor of Economics, Cornell University, September 1965 - June 1969
Economic Analyst, American Telephone & TelegraphCo., June 1964 - August 1965
Lecturer in Economics, Howard University, September 1963 - June 1964
Instructor in Economics, Douglass College, Rutgers University, September 1962 - June 1963
Labor Economist, U.S. Department of Labor, June 1961 - August 1962

On Classical Economics (Yale University Press, 2006)
Black Rednecks and White Liberals (Encounter Books, 2005)
The Quest for Cosmic Justice (Free Press,1999)
Conquests and Cultures (Basic Books, 1998)
Migrations and Cultures (Basic Books, 1996)
The Vision of the Anointed (Basic Books, 1995)
Race and Culture: A World View ( Basic Books,1994 )
A Conflict of Visions (William Morrow, 1987)
Ethnic America (Basic Books, 1981)
Knowledge and Decisions (Basic Books, 1980)
Say's Law: An Historical Analysis (Princeton University Press, 1972)

Whats that on your face barbelith?
Looks like egg
Careful, your ignorance is showing.
Thomas Sowell is no extremist demagogue.

I know who Thomas Sowell is, and his quoted piece was the typical unthinking pablum that's come to be expected from these moronic "guilt by association" efforts. The slightest hint of critical thought exposes the implication for a sham, and the resurgence of these absurd allegations shows the supreme desperation of the McCain/Palin campaign and its final acceptance of the fact their political positions are suicidal. No doubt a few fools will be conned by these swift boat tactics but the smart people on both sides will rolls their eyes and move on. :rolleyes:

I can't wait for the hilarity that ensues when raving extremists like yourself begin bashing all the kids who sat under Ayers at college once they start running for office.
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