Darth Cruel
Super Freak
I'm guessing star puffs is 21 too.![]()
I was thinking they might be dating.
I post that in a good-natured, joking kind of way, Star Puffs.
I'm guessing star puffs is 21 too.![]()
You two are the ones who look immature, attacking Dracula on a personal level for merely holding a different notion of proper punishment. And worse you are enraged not because he is advocating some absurdly lax penalty, but simply because he is not braying for blood like some of you.
On top of that he is educated enough to express himself intelligently in a second language. I wonder how many of the people sneering at him as a callow youth can do the same.
Whom ever has sympathy for this Piece of Crap should be Banned from the Forum. I'm sure there were SS collectors in that theater.
He did a lot more then share an opinion of punishment, did you read all of his posts? He went on to blame society for the way the guy turned out, etc. IMHO he has borderline defended the guys actions. He has gone way over the top of merely holding a different notion of punishment. Its almost sickening.
"borderline defended the guys actions"
Please cite specific example of that and I will consider your argument. Perhaps I missed something, but that is a very serious accusation not borne out by what I have seen.
All I have seen is Dracula argue for lawful, humane treatment. He also seems to support life imprisonment with no probability of release, unless I am missing something.
No one dreams to become a murderer. No one is born a murderer. He didn't become like this with his own will. Life, experience, society, things that happened to him shaped him like this. In a world where we love weapons and violence, where we kill and kill countless of humans and animals. It's no wonder people like this exist.
I don't think the murderer deserves to live on a frickin 5 star hotel, but to stay his whole life in jail thinking about what he did.
To use more violence won't solve ____. It would only bring down the people who would beat him to his level.
I'd understand if the families of the victims reacted emotionally like this, but for people who don't even know the people to somehow want to see the murderer get burned on a pole like a witch is insane.
That's your opinion. My opinion is that no human is born a racist, murderer, rapist or whatever. Only circumstances brings people to good or bad, upbringing, intensive social conditioning etc. Humans aren't perfect and unlike the majority of people I don't think humans were created by a perfect god or guided by an intelligent or moral power. Are these excuses for what he did? No, they are the explanations to why he did what he did.
Justice would be to bring back the dead to life, but it's impossible. The only thing we can do is to protect society from this murderer. If you feel better by more death, that's your illogical emotion and feeling about this but it doesn't make it "justice".
Do you think that the children who was brainwashed to become nazis during the 30's in Nazi Germany would agree with Nazism if they lived your life? What if they realized that what they did was wrong later on? And they regret what they did?
There are ex-nazis like that. But according to you, we should hang them.
If you lived the life of this murderer you would have done the same. Our values, thoughts, beliefs etc are shaped by everything that is projected in from the outside to the mind.
The world isn't perfect and it won't become better if we start executing murderers. It will only bring us down to their level, we are better than them and we won't kill, that's what separates us from murderers.
This guy deserves a ____ty life in a ____ty jail, no luxury and no comfort. Just hard work and bad food. That's what he deserves. Justice is another thing. IF we could bring back the dead to life that would be justice for them and that's the only justice that matters because they were the ones who were killed. But to kill the murderer would be a personal emotional matter for people like you. To see him dead, so you can feel better. How does that solve anything? More killing?
Say we killed him. Now what? You feel better? That was the only thing we achieved. Great! Justice for the ones who were killed!
Btw: He was responsible for his actions, but there is always an explanation to why someone kills. Be it an illogical or a logical reason.
I even mention there in the quotes you made that they aren't excuses but explanations to why he did what he did. Also, when I say society, I don't mean that people around him are guilty for what happened to these innocent people. I just mean everything that has happened to him shaped him into what he became.
Just like people in Saudi Arabia are shaped into muslims. Or Germans during the 30's were shaped into Nazis. They are a result of their lives. For an example, some people who are poor steal out of desperation to survive. I don't think they were born thieves, but they were shaped into ones, in this example, for survival. In others greed, profit etc.
The only thing we can do is to protect society from this murderer.
All I have seen is Dracula argue for lawful, humane treatment.
@Star Puffs
Life imprisonment and no chance of ever getting out, he is guilty for what he did. I've said no excuse for what he did, only argued for what could have been the cause. An explanation to what would drive a human to do something like this. I've made the point that I don't think that anyone dreams to become a murderer. People are shaped into scums like that, no human being is biologically born a murderer. He is a product, a result of his own life, just like I am of mine and other people are of theirs. I'm sure this guy wouldn't have done what he did if he got to live my life, unless someone is arguing that people really are born murderers biologically? Murder gene?![]()
All I have seen is Dracula argue for lawful, humane treatment.
The only thing I say is that he is a product of his own life.
We can still protect society by having him locked up for life.
Doesn't even matter if they can protect everyone forever from him.
He does not deserve to live.