Super Freak
All that proves is that they weren't as good as swordsmen as Mace. Not to take anything away from Palpatine, he was the consummate risk taker. He controlled as much as he could but when he had to take a chance he didn't hesitate.
They had to be good swordsmen to be on the Council, didn't they?
I suppose Palpatine and Jack Sparrow have that in common. You can't tell how much is planned out and how much is just brilliant improvisation.
I like the idea that Palpatine kept to the shadows until the penultimate moment. He knew he might have to shed some of his own blood to pull off his little coo (sp?) (thank you Lucius), but he didn't waste it frivolously. He let others like Maul and Dooku give generously of their blood.
From the Plagueis (this is the correct spelling) story, I sort of got the impression that Plagueis learned how to create life, but didn't know how to focus it. Like speaking an incantation and never being sure what exactly the effect was. It could be that the Darth sensed that he had done something important, but had no idea where in the universe the Force had decided to center itself to create The Chosen One.
One does wonder how Palpatine got wind that the Jedi thought Anakin was their Chosen One. Did he learn of it from a Jedi or did he himself sense the power in the boy? An educated guess that led Palpatine to keep tabs on Anakin for his entire career as a Jedi. Oh, the questions...