Broke and happy
She had Cannibal Campout level of acting.
Good you're here lol
Great thoughtful review batfan I enjoyed reading it even though I don't feel the same way about the movie as you do although I do agree with certain aspects of what you and kara wrote regarding the larger narrative at play. [/FONT][FONT=.SF UI Text]
[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]My question is this. [/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]After seeing how WW arc was treated does Snyder's handling of Superman now make sense and fans had it wrong all along?[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=.SF UI Text][FONT=.SFUIText]Or should Superman have been treated the same as WW?[/FONT][/FONT]
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Seems like she had that same accent in Batman V. Superman. Were they planning to make that change after this movie started shooting? I wouldn't go too hard on her for having an accent she couldn't get over. Some well respected actors have had pretty bad, alternate accents for example (Michael Caine and Brad Pitt come to mind). Arnold has never had a movie without an accent, but you don't get real complaints about it. He gets the job done.
But I think there's a fair comparison with a super hero character like this. It's more about the look, the charisma, the vibe, the attitude, and the ability to be believable in that regard than it is getting an accent right, or the finer points of acting in general. You don't need method acting Deniro in these situations. Now, this stuff would matter more for some characters that rely more on their social skills, intelligence, and subtlety. Batman for example. But for a colorful, ass kicking, inspirational super hero? Could you think of a better actor to model yourself on than Arnold? For that reason, the Rock is a perfect choice to play a super hero hero (and make no mistake--Black Adam will be a hero since Rock is portraying him).
Of course, all things held constant, getting a better actor is preferable than getting a worse actor. But I don't think the accent speaks to much of anything regarding Gadot's ability to pull this character off.
This is all true. But even at moderate acting ability levels, there is good and bad.
Let's take average actors in their day: Mark Hamill worked, where Hayden Christiansen didn't.
And let's not get into the "green room" thing that there was nothing to act against. Hayden had actors around him, the same director, and a crazy weird world that he understood better than Hamill did in his day (since Hamill came from a time without Star Wars entirely).
Casting the right person matters, as well. Some may not have a lot of range, but may have a natural personality type that lines up better with a character than someone else. Christopher Walken for example. He is good in a lot of his work, in some of it it comes off as a bit hokey. But he's pretty much the same every time, whether it's the Dead Zone, True Romance, Batman Returns, or Wayne's World.
Just seen this movie. It's good; it's great!
Steve Trevor is good enough but there is a couple thing wrong. He got knock in the back or back of his head, close range by a rifle, and he just continue to fight? He said, "Be cool", while in a vehicle and trying to infiltrate a castle, in old English? Isn't cool not invented yet?
Gadot is fine as WW. She still got skinny legs in one of the fighting scene but not much noticeable. Her acting is as bad or good as those amazon, so she is fine. At least they didn't CGI her to look crazy tall like in BVS's end of fighting scene.
The storyline went smoothly.
The WW theme song/sound isn't as bad or strong as those advertising made it out to be.
Give it 8.5/10 or 9/10.
Gotcha, The Green One am pleased.