Super Freak
Apple's ecosystem is not closed. You can buy digital music from other places and the files can be used on an iPhone/iPad/etc etc. Places such as Amazon and whatnot. I don't think their music files have DRM.
Don Mattrick leaving MS.
Will the xbox one recover in time? that's the question after all the negativity the console received from its DRM, always online, can't rent, can't lend, region locked BS .
from this stunt it'll be no doubt the PS4 WILL outsell the Xbox One during their Launch, but will the xbox recover? and if it doesn't recover? what'll happen to xbox? mostly nothing .. however what Microsoft should do is Plan their next step to recover from this.. More exclusives maybe? who knows
I think they shouldn't have given in to people, they could have taken the best parts of their original plan and changed the parts that people didn't like. So if they had kept the ability to play games without the disc along with the family plan and then add back in the ability to play offline forever and share and sell games then I think it would have been a much better solution.
I think they shouldn't have given in to people, they could have taken the best parts of their original plan and changed the parts that people didn't like. So if they had kept the ability to play games without the disc along with the family plan and then add back in the ability to play offline forever and share and sell games then I think it would have been a much better solution.
The family plan might not have been all that its made out to be. According to that supposed Microsoft employee who blogged about the features of the Xbox One, the "family plan" was just a timed trial for trying out games you didn't own. In other words, you'd be able to play the game for about an hour or so, before you're prompted to a checkout page to purchase the full game.
The concept souds very much like the timed trials offered offers by PS Plus (except without sharing features).
I remember hearing about that. Its a demo. Nothing more. They never sold it like that though.
MS just didn't do a good job of selling this console at E3. If they were more forthcoming about things, they wouldn't have received a lot of the back lash that did.
True. They couldnt have handled this whole thing any worse if they tried.
does anyone elses xbox **** up when its vertical?