1/6 INART (Queen Studio) - The Dark Knight - Joker Collectible Figure

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Gotta try and stop the false narrative here as well 🤣🤣



My InArt Joker is STOCK. Never touched up, never thinned out any hair.

Now I am aware that later batches feature an over abundance of hair…it’s unfortunate and it can and has soured collectors experiences. But their flawed figure(s) doesn’t accurately represent how it’s SUPPOSED to look and not everyone got crappy jokers. InArt absolutely need to atone for their **** ups with regards to later batches or the ones that slipped through QC inspection…but to say HT repurposed sculpt outclasses InArt’s is…well…it is a take.

Prefer it over IA’s? Understandable. But better? Ehhh, subjective.
From facebook. Neither are perfect, but I really gotta give it to Hot Toys on this one. The hair could be thinned out a little, and touch more white makeup added. But overall, it's bang on. The hair looks more real, the hairline is more believable and less toy like. The hair color itself is more film accurate. The eyes are more realistic looking than IA's pers attempt. The skin more mottled and textured. etc.

I think with a little hair styling, the HT kills.



InArt’s was a good effort and got the ball rolling on better sculpts, rooted hair, moving eyes as a standard; so, it gets a lot of points for that. I, arguably, have one of the better copies I’ve seen as well that doesn’t have so much red/orange at the roots, isn’t overly thick either, and I still never liked the final result. Complete disappointment opening up that $1k set :slap The headsculpts are not even close to the prototype when compared to the their later efforts whereas the HT one is coming out looking better than the proto based on recent in-hand pics.

Now, which ever one an individual prefers, well that’s up to them; but from a technical standpoint, HT appears to be the clear winner, especially from proto to production.

I have no bias towards any company, just want good products no matter who produces it. For me, InArt loses in sculpt and hair work for TDK Joker, but will most definitely win in accessories. Sadly, I still haven’t been too impressed with either of my InArt releases, but hoping Aragorn will change that. Still debating on cancelling Batinson as well.
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I can't wait to get the Artisan Jokers in hand to compair to the InArt. Although, I only have the sculpted of that. The Artisan Sculpt looks better to me from picture comparisons.

I love my Gandalf, but did have a few small qc issues. Like many are, still waiting on The Batman, Aragorn, and Harry Potter. I bet I will get Potter before the other two with how little were ordered.
Yeah, I think this Artisan works well for a Hit-Me expression.

Also, sort of for a mob scene -- I can't pinpoint the moment but I'm sure somewhere in there he flared his bottom teeth.

One thing I never liked about the two InArt sculpts is they basically look the same. The 2nd sculpt should have taken a more extreme variation.
Yeah, I think this Artisan works well for a Hit-Me expression.

Also, sort of for a mob scene -- I can't pinpoint the moment but I'm sure someone in there he flared his bottom teeth.

One thin I never liked about the two InArt sculpts is they basically look the same. The 2nd sculpt should have taken a more extreme variation.
Yep agreed, this gives hope they’ll knock the Artisan Phoenix sculpt out of the park. Open mouth seems like the best they could have done. It’s unique, Heath always had his mouth open licking his prosthetics, it makes sense. On to the next sculpt. (y)
I'd like to see Phoenix Joker with his crooked smile exposing that one bad tooth.
This is why JND needs to do the blood grin with their quality realistic teeth work. I’d buy that product regardless of how the sequel came out I think. Steer clear of the Murray show and stairs. Needs some joy.


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InArt’s was a good effort and got the ball rolling on better sculpts, rooted hair, moving eyes as a standard; so, it gets a lot of points for that. I, arguably, have one of the better copies I’ve seen as well that doesn’t have so much red/orange at the roots, isn’t overly thick either, and I still never liked the final result. Complete disappointment opening up that $1k set :slap The headsculpts are not even close to the prototype when compared to the their later efforts whereas the HT one is coming out looking better than the proto based on recent in-hand pics.

Now, which ever one an individual prefers, well that’s up to them; but from a technical standpoint, HT appears to be the clear winner, especially from proto to production.

I have no bias towards any company, just want good products no matter who produces it. For me, InArt loses in sculpt and hair work for TDK Joker, but will most definitely win in accessories. Sadly, I still haven’t been too impressed with either of my InArt releases, but hoping Aragorn will change that. Still debating on cancelling Batinson as well.
That deluxe was a regrettable mistake. It's a major factor in why I held off from ordering the Phoenix set.

And what do you know.. it paid off that I didn't.
(in a way)