1/6 Hot Toys - Batman v Superman: DoJ - Batmobile Collectible Vehicle

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Yea the bat signal was too small

I don't mind if the signal was too small it still looked great next to the armoured Batman. Unfortunately the signal and the Batmobile were 2 of my most anticipated things I was gonna pick and the lack of either meant I just couldn't justify picking up the armoured Batman just to have him sit on his own. Hot Toys are making too much of a habit of displaying great prototypes then not releasing them I'm thinking the 66 Batmobile, the Delorean mark 2 and the BVS batmobile.
They sucker you in , I hope they come out with both of them. If not now hopefully Justice league, batmobile and signal with commissioner Gordon


This is a good sign.
Me too. I really want this, but I've been discouraged they haven't announced it.

I am "ehh" about the "upgrades" they've done. Just keep it simple.
This is likely the only update we'll get for some time... it displayed at a show.
I wouldn't be too encouraged by Hot Toys displaying the BVS Batmobile at Tokyo Comic Con. They have a habit of showing prototypes at shows then not releasing them i.e the Delorean part 2 and the 66 Batmobile. When i see the pre-order go up for the BVS Batmobile then i'll be convinced.
I wouldn't be too encouraged by Hot Toys displaying the BVS Batmobile at Tokyo Comic Con. They have a habit of showing prototypes at shows then not releasing them i.e the Delorean part 2 and the 66 Batmobile. When i see the pre-order go up for the BVS Batmobile then i'll be convinced.

Exactly. POs are the only proof that HT is going to really release something.
I really wanted this, but it's a shame it probably won't be released. I missed out on the '89 Batmobile (I still hope to find one for a good price), so I thought this would be cool to fill the Batmobile-sized hole in my Batman collection.

I loved the designs for Batman's array of gadgets & vehicles in BvS, with the Batwing being my favorite.
The more it appears in movies and minimally changed, the better the odds. We've seen it in BvS and SS, if it appears in JL too then I think we've got a really good chance at a solicit under than banner.
The more it appears in movies and minimally changed, the better the odds. We've seen it in BvS and SS, if it appears in JL too then I think we've got a really good chance at a solicit under than banner.

It's confirmed to appear in JL.


It looks like they changed the windshield a bit.
It is 50/50 if it'll be released. Lets just wait and see folks.

Well considering the 1/6 Hot Toys Tie Fighter was at Tokyo Comic Con and i'm guessing they have no intention of releasing that i'd say the BVS Batmobile has less then a 50/50 chance of being released
Well considering the 1/6 Hot Toys Tie Fighter was at Tokyo Comic Con and i'm guessing they have no intention of releasing that i'd say the BVS Batmobile has less then a 50/50 chance of being released

Agreed. Its a big item with a lot of gimmicks for Hot Toys to release. Like a lot of you, I wouldn't even need all the gimmicks and bells and whistles. After getting both the HT BVS Superman and Batman, this Batmobile is a must own! It just won't feel like the collection's complete until I get one.
Agreed. Its a big item with a lot of gimmicks for Hot Toys to release. Like a lot of you, I wouldn't even need all the gimmicks and bells and whistles. After getting both the HT BVS Superman and Batman, this Batmobile is a must own! It just won't feel like the collection's complete until I get one.

Amen brother