1/6 Hot Toys - Batman v Superman: DoJ - Batmobile Collectible Vehicle

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I agree, so much better than the tumbler design. Ordered as soon as this goes up.
I mentioned this on 66 batmobile thread already, but I will say it here as well.

[I really think they should go 'kick-starter' route.

I'm sure they have all numbers worked out - how much it cost to produce certain number and what number becomes profitable..etc.
post that and see how many people actually willing to pay up front and wait.
If there are enough interest to meet their numbers, they can make a first batch - something enough to make small profit.
If not, then they can stop there and use that as 'why we don't make it' excuse.
If there are enough demand after that, they can do more - by that time, they would have all the production molding and assembly pipeline..etc

There is no need to try to predict stupid sales numbers beforehand these days, you know ]
I don't mind waiting for production but I want that PO to go up! Having missed out on the other Batmobiles I really want to grab this one. And I don't even collect HT figures. I just want this for my Bat Cave.
I just wanted the new batmobile, not a remote control car they are talking about. Scrap that idea hot toys. Just keep it simple like the other cars, and they have sold well
If they release the bvs batmobile i'll definitely buy it and the figures to go along with it also i.e armoured bats. If they don't i won't buy any of the figures because without the car the figures just don't have as much pulling power imo.
If they release the bvs batmobile i'll definitely buy it and the figures to go along with it also i.e armoured bats. If they don't i won't buy any of the figures because without the car the figures just don't have as much pulling power imo.

All of the figures have sold out without the batmobile. I think it has plenty of pull.
If they release the bvs batmobile i'll definitely buy it and the figures to go along with it also i.e armoured bats. If they don't i won't buy any of the figures because without the car the figures just don't have as much pulling power imo.

The figures will be very expensive to get hold of on the secondary market if the the BVS Batmobile is ever released. You could have got the figures at retail and if the car is never released sold them on for a nice profit.

I have a feeling they will release a version of this Batmobile later, maybe with the Affleck solo movie. That's probably the movie from this DCEU that has the best chance of getting critical acclaim and taking over $1 billion at the box office.
I don't think the Batmobile is very important as a representation of BVS. I can see them making it for a Batman solo film because it would likely get a lot more screen time.
I don't think the Batmobile is very important as a representation of BVS. I can see them making it for a Batman solo film because it would likely get a lot more screen time.

Well ones things for sure, they need to release the damn thing and stop showing it at conventions and teasing us...
A bunch of pics were just posted on a one sixth Facebook group (some with doj branding :pray:) along with this gif.[video]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--AEyG3yrO--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/fdrj2iyjzmstpfvozvcz.gif[/video]

Sorry couldn't get it to just show here.
A bunch of pics were just posted on a one sixth Facebook group (some with doj branding :pray:) along with this gif.[video]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--AEyG3yrO--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/fdrj2iyjzmstpfvozvcz.gif[/video]

Sorry couldn't get it to just show here.

i hope so
A bunch of pics were just posted on a one sixth Facebook group (some with doj branding :pray:) along with this gif.[video]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--AEyG3yrO--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/fdrj2iyjzmstpfvozvcz.gif[/video]

Sorry couldn't get it to just show here.

That does look pretty incredible. I hope it gets made, I only wish I had the space for something that huge.