Super Freak
I'm using 2 Detolfs Horizontally. I carefully hoisted them up on top of my Batman Display one by one. I carefully backed out the bolts a little and removed the front and Back Glass from the First Detolf. This makes the Detolf super floppy and flimsy because it has not Front or back glass support at this point. You then Tighten up the bolts and the structure becomes a little stronger, but still flimsy. Carefully slide this Detolf to the back of you wall. I then hoisted up another Detolf and only removed the back Glass piece. I slid this one to mate with the rear Detolf. At this point you will have a "Breadbox" style Detolf with about 32" of depth. I realized the HOA is a little taller than the Horizontal Detolf. I then went to the back wall of my display and carefully pushed the 2 Detolfs towards the front to meet the Edge of my Batman Display case. I now have the extra room for the RADIUS curved HOA units. Since the HOA units will not fit inside the Hoizontal Detolf I decided to set them all up and REUSE the glass Pieces I removed from the Previous Detolfs and placed the Glass on top of the HOA. THis gave me an extra 16" x 64" of glass top. I then made sides to attach to the rear HOA glass top piece and sealed it all off. The result yields you a Horizontal Glass Display case measuring at 64" wide X 48" Deep. Total cost = 2 Detolfs 65.00 each =130.00 + a lot of time and Patience![]()
I'm curious to see how this display looks from afar on top the your Batman display