1/6 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 452 - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

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Interested how/why generalgrievous felt the need to repaint his HT ESB helmet. Both of the "high gloss" Vader paint apps HT has produced so far - both RO and ESB - haven't been great for ESB. The RO one seems more chrome than gunmetal and on the ESB, the black/gunmetal doesn't seem differentiated enough for some reason. The RO version seems almost like a vac-metalized "chrome" plastic bathroom fixture that happens to also have a few black areas.

Vader in ESB seems more high gloss lacquer over gunmetal, which is different from "chromed."

I really can't say that any of the HT Vader apps have been very successful so far though - the ANH v1 and v2 apps were kind of strange and really not close to the way Vader looks in ANH. The v1 apps are hard to describe what they even are, complete with finely sculpted brush strokes (or whatever it's supposed to be.) The ANH finish is very hard to achieve though.
Last comparisons...i've Emailed and posted these to HT HQ..they'll probably delete and shred them...or worse still have me sectioned:) View attachment 431068View attachment 431067

i just emailed them this:

Dear Hot Toys.

I have just cancelled a pre-order of the figure MMS 452 - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Darth Vader

The reason is that the headsculpt (facemask and helmet dome) looks very inaccurate compared to the film version.. The tusks are the wrong angle, the upper mouth triangle is too long, the nose is too small, the eyes are not the right shape, the helmet dome is too long in the back and the face looks too flat from a sideview. In other words it doesn't look like Darth Vader.

The likeness of the upsoming 1/4 Return of the Jedi Vader is a lot better

I hope you take these remarks in consideration if you ever make a 1:6 Return of the Jedi Darth Vader and NOT re-use the Empire Strikes Back headsculpt, but make the likeness exactly like the 1:4 version.
As I’ve said before, your photos are always great Matrix. While I still find the “bags under the eyes” argument moot since both figures have them (even if they’re not identical), to each their own.

I will agree with you that I think had they used the ANH/R1 sculpt as a starting point and continued to improve it, it would have been better than starting all over. I dont think it would’ve just been a few minor tweaks, though. It’s subjective as to which helmet is better, but both have tons of innacuracies when compared to the real deal. As an example, below I’ve taken your comparison and highlighted areas where the ESB sculpt is more accurate than the R1 sculpt. They include the angle between the tusk tubes (though neither gets the curve in the upper tube right, anh at least has some curve), the area where the cheek meets the nose, the depth of the nose bridge in front of the eye, the shape of the side of the mouth in front of the cheek.


And that’s in addition to the nose plug, the mouth grills, and the too long neck (I know some don’t agree with that one, but the neck always looks too long to me).

I guess all I’m trying to say is the same thing I’ve been saying all along. Neither figure is accurate. Not by a long shot if you really compare every detail. But in hand they both look great. The “problems” are fractions of a millimeter. I’m all for more accuracy, and I do hope that someday they just 3D scan screen used stuff, or achieve a similar level of accuracy. But it’s also nice to enjoy what we do have and appreciate it for what it is.
The four key improvements for me on the ESB sculpt vs ANH/RO were the removal of the "points" on the outside curve of the nose housing (where the upper cheek curve arcs in to touch the nose,) ditching the whole hideous plug nose insert idea, sculpting correct mesh behind the teeth/chin vent and I think the neck area works better on the ESB sculpt (has the chin sag curve and neckline isn't as long.)

But I also see the steps back - the "bags" under the eyes are sharper on the ESB sculpt, so more noticeable than the less-sharp versions on the ANH/RO sculpt, the nose isn't quite long enough and the well established small nose/large mouth triangle problem. The bar between the eyes also looks too thin on the ESB vs the ANH/RO, and the ESB eyes themselves do have some other issue beyond the "bags" and slight frown issue - I think maybe they angle backward a little too sharply (you can maybe see it in Matrix's comp pics.) Then there's the visible brace/reveal greeblies.

And wow - those tusks and tusk rails on the ESB. :slap Just awful, and they are also not easily removable like the ANH/RO version was.

This ESB sculpt really reinforced to me that there will never be a fully accurate 1/6 vader sculpt, other than maybe TooMuchGarlic's 3D scan.
Good Grief!!!

The amount of issues people are having with this Vader is enormous, myself included have nitpicked this more than any other vader. Darth Vader and Boba Fett are the most scrutinzed characters when it comes to accuracy of all time. Truth is , when forming to 1/6 scale its never ever going to be perfect. And sometimes we just havr to realise that. Got to also remember the figures are made nearly 40 years after the movie come out so its hard to nail the accuracy when most of the props are gone. Figures they make for modern movies like Avengers etc they c an work with the studios at filming stage so they can nail the accuracy better
Open it and have a look. Why ask other people what you should think? I'm aware of all the errors on this and rogue one version, still think they're the best 1:6 Vaders by far and my esb Vader's going nowhere.
Had mine a month and it’s never left the box. Should I be worried at all?

No, don’t worry. It’s an awesome figure. I’m well aware of the innaccuracies and I still think he looks fantastic in hand. As I just said above, we’re talking fractions of a millimeter for most of the measurements. The whole face is, what, maybe an inch and a half tall? Posed up, futzed, and lighted well, this guy looks incredible on the shelf in spite of any inaccuracies. I’m sure the same can be said for the R1 figure (I just don’t have that one to compare).

Maybe one day we’ll get a 100% accurate, just shrunken down Vader figure. Until then enjoy the awesome ones we’ve got for what they are. Mod it if you’ve got the guts and feel the desire to make it even more accurate.
All of the said issues will still be there when you open the box. If you want people to tell you whether you’ll like something I’m not sure this is the place.

I opened mine and loved it. The last thing you should be worried about is opening a toy.

Unless it’s not actually a toy. It’s just a box... and your name is Pandora. In which case don’t open it.
No, don’t worry. It’s an awesome figure. I’m well aware of the innaccuracies and I still think he looks fantastic in hand. As I just said above, we’re talking fractions of a millimeter for most of the measurements. The whole face is, what, maybe an inch and a half tall? Posed up, futzed, and lighted well, this guy looks incredible on the shelf in spite of any inaccuracies. I’m sure the same can be said for the R1 figure (I just don’t have that one to compare).

Maybe one day we’ll get a 100% accurate, just shrunken down Vader figure. Until then enjoy the awesome ones we’ve got for what they are. Mod it if you’ve got the guts and feel the desire to make it even more accurate.

Thanks for this.

I only want to know if overall he is specific enough accurate to ESB - if you exclude the tiniest details?
you mean this is the HT ESB dome on the R1 facemask?
Yes TESB dome on the R1 mask....sitting on TESB body..
You'll probably get less objection from HT for pointing out flaws than you will from some of the people who post here. There are those who (for some bizarre reason) are so bothered by detailed critiques/comparisons of this figure that they need to post their self-righteous musings about others who just want to see more accurate sculpts.

Your photo comparisons really illustrate how the HT ESB mask would have benefited from having the nose and mouth brought forward more. It not only would've helped the accuracy from the profile, but would have changed the neck by having more area under the chin. Also would've improved some of the slopes and angles of the cheeks.

Another great contribution from you to this forum. :clap Thank you for sharing your excellent photos and analysis!


Ignorance is bliss...for some this is/will be their first HT vader so they're going big it up as the best ever...Besides the mask it's a very nice figure and on the whole the best vader set...with the light-up features and diorama base putting it ahead of previous versions.
I'm convinced it could been even closer to the prop if they designed the mask different, instead of doing the episode III tusk tube cuts homage to get the half sculpted head in there. Fairly sure Hot toys did it that way as a nod to ep III as well as figure out the design for RoTJ reveal mask, which is just.. lazy.

For Vader, there is no more iconic movie then ESB, its sloppy to make the esb mask as a proto for the RoTJ version due later. Still my favourite 1:6 rendition of the character, but they could done better, the base almost made up for it.

Almost :wink1: