Hey man, $1 is $1 to anyone holding it. It's a standardized form of currency. It buys the exact same amount of stuff from person to person.
But that doesn't mean it has the same value to everyone. What may seem expensive to you, might be a day's bank interest to someone else. And likewise, there are people out there that would be appalled at whatever amount you'd readily spend on a 12" Iron Man suit. The point is, it's all relative, and there needs to be far less judgement on these boards regarding who can and will spend what and on what. It would be horrendous for someone to belittle another person because they can't afford as many toys, but it's just as spiteful and jealous to belittle those who can.
You're entitled to decide for yourself and for your budget what makes sense for you, but consider that this is a community that spans a vast spectrum of backgrounds and incomes, but that we're all here because we find the same enjoyment in these collectibles. A little more respect would do these boards quite a bit of good in this regard.