Most of the suits were not designed for combat in the first place, it was a sequence of armors made for testing every possible contingency by Tony who was losing his mind after Avengers, that he could hope to exert some control in a world that was now threatened by other planets and not just other people. High velocity suits (XIII, Shotgun), lightweight stealth suits (XI, XIV, Sneaky, Nightclub, Disco), high altitude suits (Python, Midas), heavy combat suits (HB, Tank) construction (Striker, Gamma, Fiddler, Igor) high energy suits (Blue Steel, Pison, Romeo, Centurion) disaster rescue (Southpaw, Snapper) riot control (Peacemaker), deep sea diving (Hammerhead), space travel (Starboost), modular prehensile suits (Bones, XLII). They were all boutique prototypes, it wasn't an army. That was kind of the point, and that even without armor or all his vast resources, he could still save the day with his cunning and wits. In the end, the man made the suits, the suits didn't make the man.