As people have pointed out this could totally have been a DX if they had mixed the two sets and made the eyes movable. It’s that good.
And btw I’m happy to see that they made the cloak on this one the correct length.
This pic highlights another unique aspect of TLJ; the introduction of no new "named" baddie.
SW: Vader, Tarkin, Greedo
ESB: Fett, Veers, Piett, Emperor
ROTJ: Jabba
TPM: Maul, Gunray, Sebulba
AOTC: Jango, Dooku, Poggle the Lesser
ROTS: Grievous
TCW: Asajj Ventress
TFA: Kylo Ren, Hux, Phasma, Snoke
RO: Krennic
Solo: Dryden Vos, Lady Proxima, Enfys Nest, Beckett (kinda sorta on the last two)
TLJ: ?????? Rose? Poe?
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