1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Yoda Collectible Figure

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so I did some comparison shoots between SSC and Hot Toys.

The most accurate comparison shot I took was the one I used to also compare with the actual movie puppet.

Untitled-1 yodas2.jpg

Of course Hot Toys Yoda is superior in many ways. However, I think SSC sculpt is still better. If SSC had a better paintjob, especially the eyes, we would all be hesitating...

So I tried to photoshop the HT eyes on to the SSC :rotfl

Untitled-1 yodas3.jpg

Pait apps on SSC are cheap. The figure has a cheap shine on its skin.

But I still don't want to say goodbye to it, I may get a belt and collar from Toy Anxiety, but will stick to SSC Yoda.

so I did some comparison shoots between SSC and Hot Toys.

The most accurate comparison shot I took was the one I used to also compare with the actual movie puppet.

View attachment 335359

Of course Hot Toys Yoda is superior in many ways. However, I think SSC sculpt is still better. If SSC had a better paintjob, especially the eyes, we would all be hesitating...

So I tried to photoshop the HT eyes on to the SSC :rotfl

View attachment 335360

Pait apps on SSC are cheap. The figure has a cheap shine on its skin.

But I still don't want to say goodbye to it, I may get a belt and collar from Toy Anxiety, but will stick to SSC Yoda.

View attachment 335361

The hair is probably the only thing I see good on SSC version..looks like a Yoda far beyond ESB, past ROTJ in age :lol

SSC is saying " When 1,000 years you will reach..look as good you will not "
The hair is probably the only thing I see good on SSC version..looks like a Yoda far beyond ESB, past ROTJ in age :lol

SSC is saying " When 1,000 years you will reach..look as good you will not "

:lol :lol :lol

I dunno... Yoda was pretty wasted in ESB already!



I did not like the ssc sculpt. I was always fond of the medicom yoda sculpt. I thought it looked better and looked more like yoda then the ssc one did I don't know.
The hair is probably the only thing I see good on SSC version..looks like a Yoda far beyond ESB, past ROTJ in age :lol

SSC is saying " When 1,000 years you will reach..look as good you will not "

The SSC version didn't come with hair. That's been added.
I don't have the SSC but it looks great there; however, no figure is perfect, the SSC is a little too emaciated and the HT is a little too full in the face. Only a scan of the movie puppet will give you something exactly the same and presumably that doesn't exist anymore.
I don't have the SSC but it looks great there; however, no figure is perfect, the SSC is a little too emaciated and the HT is a little too full in the face. Only a scan of the movie puppet will give you something exactly the same and presumably that doesn't exist anymore.

It does! The puppet was at Celebration last year in London!
It is really hard not to be tempted by this figure since Yoda for me really made me believe in the concept of the force in Empire Strikes Back. The scenes with Luke on Dagobah I was really inspired by.

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I'd love to see some side by side pics of the HT next to the SSC Version. Maybe compare size, though size matters not, height, width, and scale of headsculpt.

I'm sure I'll be able to see for myself since I'm keeping my SSC and patiently waiting the arrival of the HT.
I don't have the SSC but it looks great there; however, no figure is perfect, the SSC is a little too emaciated and the HT is a little too full in the face. Only a scan of the movie puppet will give you something exactly the same...

A scan would be great, and while the best possible starting point but I am not sure it would be "perfect". Who knows how the wear and age of the material over the years has effected the shape and because as a puppet it was manipulated by a puppeteer (Frank Oz) in order to bring it life, part of Yoda's look was due to how the puppet was manipulated as part of the puppeteer's performance. Yoda does not look the same, even when being held still by a puppeteer, as it does when standing on it's own without the puppeteer.
Yoda is a very difficult character to get looking right because he's only ever seen in quite harsh/contrasty or pretty dim lighting that's either very blue or very yellow (never in even, bright white lighting,) and also due to the rubber his head was made of, the face can really change quite a bit from iconic scene to iconic scene.

Even what shades of green he's supposed to be is kind of tricky to judge. If you just use the actual color of the puppet and you light it with daylight, the figure looks wrong. His color as we remember it is so impacted by the type of lighting they used on him.

Pretty much all 1/6 Yodas do look better with a harsh spotlight from above, because that's mostly how he's seen in ESB.
I'd love to see some side by side pics of the HT next to the SSC Version. Maybe compare size, though size matters not, height, width, and scale of headsculpt.

I'm sure I'll be able to see for myself since I'm keeping my SSC and patiently waiting the arrival of the HT.

Stick to the SCC Yoda all you want people..IM waiting for HT! Thanks for the video man!
I think the SSC version holds up pretty well and it's a great set with all the extra hands and even sittin' feet! :lol

I will be keeping mine for sure.

I like the Medi too - it's almost a caricature but a nice sculpt nonetheless.
Great video comparison.. that kind of shows there really isn't a comparison. The HT one is really a huge leap forward over the SSC, even if it's still not quite a bullseye in terms of likeness (hey, this is HT and Star Wars - what do you expect?)

SSC robe does look to be more than 1/4" longer than the HT one, but I kind of like how you can see Yoda's feet on the HT version, even if it looks more like a bathrobe than a cloak.

Great to know the HT head is compatible. I have an extra SSC Yoda body I can use to get two Yodas for the price of one.:yess: