1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs/Pics

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the news about HT going to diecast for the future is all I wanted to hear unfortunatly, I'm officially done with the IM HT line after the Mark VII ships:(

Iron Patriot was by far my most anticipated figure for this year, had no problem paying $220-230 for a plastic one even if it came with nothing but a stand

I only hope this blows up in Hot Toy's face although I just can't see it happening, Iron Man just sells too well and it seems some customers will pay anything for these figures at this point, so why should HT stop?
While I admire you for taking a stand what are you really protesting bro? Being able to buy 4 IM armors a year instead of 3?! LOL Actually its more like 5 instead of 6 becuase who we kidding $50 x 3 in not even a plastic IM.


Buy the figures or don't. At least you have that choice.
I'm not bothered about the material I'm bothered by the lack of communication between Hot Toys and it's customers. By that I mean lack of clarity. Can they not post on their facebook, Diecast Series is the only Iron Patriot figure you'll get?
Atleast Iron Whiplash won't have cracked thighs like the Iron Monger.
Or will it? How can you say that for so sure? This is the their first Diecast figure. It's going to have QC issues in some way. Can be the same will happen to Iron Whiplash.
Or will it? How can you say that for so sure? This is the their first Diecast figure. It's going to have QC issues in some way. Can be the same will happen to Iron Whiplash.

I'm just assuming diecast will be a tougher material and will be less prone to stress cracks but I could be wrong.
I'm not bothered about the material I'm bothered by the lack of communication between Hot Toys and it's customers. By that I mean lack of clarity. Can they not post on their facebook, Diecast Series is the only Iron Patriot figure you'll get?

I am sure he is only the first - any more "IRON" figures will be made like that, as well as any ROBOCOP or future Terminator ETC..figures will all go into that series...
I'm just assuming diecast will be a tougher material and will be less prone to stress cracks but I could be wrong.

I'd like to see how much is actually Die Cast on this figure. I 'm guessing 25-30%. Honestly, I dont mind a regular plastic MMS. I still love my MKIV and MK1.

I hear a lot of complaining on the price of this IP diecast when compared to plastic MMS figures. But really, is the difference unjustified? Sure, MKVII goes for $60 less, but the new IM 3 Tony is going for only $30 less than diecast IP. (And that's mostly fabric and plastic accessories.) I think the price difference is appropriate.

HOWEVER, I think the latest MMS prices are $30 - $50 too high. So there you go. Just my opinion.
How lucky for collectors who just started collecting Iron Man recently. All the past Iron Mans will probably made again in diecast so they can probably get all those ones they missed too.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

The Mark XLII will have BD parts and a higher price tag
I think this will turn out to BE the BD version, after the chips start flying, unless you're planning on keeping in the box.
I doubt HT has the knowhow as yet to make this chip-proof. Looks cool, but buyer beware.

My main objection to the marketing is that they call it 'DIE CAST'. I'm betting the exterior armor will be half-and-half.
I have the super-rare Aoshima die cast T-800 Endo, and it's about 95% metal. They only made plastic parts where absolutely required. I strongly suspect this Iron Patriot is a test to see how many people will PAY the outrageous price. If enough people cave, $300 might be the new 'normal', even for non-armored MMS figures.

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I am not thrilled with the way the pricing has increased so quickly on all HT. However, Mark VII was $250. And that went on PO 8 months ago. If nothing had changed, IP and other Armors would have probably been close to or @ $300 anyway.

The only way I would be bothered by HT decision to go diecast with Iron Man Armors would be IF after saying they were only making those characters in diecast, they decided to make plastic versions also. I'm also not going to pretend that these collectible suddenly suck or that HT wronged me by changing the material they used.

Their communication sucks! Even though they should, I don't expect them to improve in that area.

And with that said, when I officially find that the HT ISN'T MAKING PLASTIC ARMORS ANYMORE statement is true, I will PO this and probably all others. I'm not going crap all over HT or collectors who choose to spend their money with HT. As someone said earlier in this thread, THESE ARE HIGH END COLLECTIBLES AND IT SHOULDN'T BE EXPECTED THAT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD THEM.

If this IS the Iron Patriot MMS, thats fine. They may be 10 times better than the plastic MMS Armors.
The below message was posted on facebum, and if it's true then it sucks and crap it i will just buy ones i really want:

For those of you wondering how HT will go on with their Ironman line, according to none other than Mr. Howard Chan in an interview with a Japanese figure magazine by the name of "Figure-Oh" (not kidding!), HT is planning the MK42, another MK3(!) and the Whiplash Armored version ALL in this Diecast series and Mr. Chan said he believes that it will be the same for all other Ironman figs from now on.

He also added that there are NO present plans to release any Ironman figs in the previous plastic versions. In short, it was a big FU to most of us collectors who were THE ones that made what HT is today. Well, to be honest with how HT has recently (always?) been treating us fans, it's not surprising but still sad. My dear friends, it's time to raise your voice and be heard!

Well, that sucks. So much for continuity in their MMS line. As for concerns over cracking your shelves if the figure tips, I plan on putting mine at the bottom of my curio where there is a wood surface. I just have to worry about damage to the figure's paint. :(
I am not thrilled with the way the pricing has increased so quickly on all HT. However, Mark VII was $250. And that went on PO 8 months ago. If nothing had changed, IP and other Armors would have probably been close to or @ $300 anyway.

The only way I would be bothered by HT decision to go diecast with Iron Man Armors would be IF after saying they were only making those characters in diecast, they decided to make plastic versions also. I'm also not going to pretend that these collectible suddenly suck or that HT wronged me by changing the material they used.

Their communication sucks! Even though they should, I don't expect them to improve in that area.

And with that said, when I officially find that the HT ISN'T MAKING PLASTIC ARMORS ANYMORE statement is true, I will PO this and probably all others. I'm not going crap all over HT or collectors who choose to spend their money with HT. As someone said earlier in this thread, THESE ARE HIGH END COLLECTIBLES AND IT SHOULDN'T BE EXPECTED THAT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD THEM.

If this IS the Iron Patriot MMS, thats fine. They may be 10 times better than the plastic MMS Armors.

:goodpost: Everything in this hobby is ridiculously overpriced. It is part of the game with no foreseeable end. I understand the frustration over their random increases but it isn't going end. No revolution is in site to teach HT a lesson :cuckoo:

If this line fails, HT will make something else and the prices will continue rising. People are either in or out. While I don't mind the die cast line, IP isn't an item I am willing to drop $300. Get me a good Mark suit / Stark sculpt then I am game.
The price tag on this is officially the line in the sand. I really hope they provide actual MMS versions of these but if not I'll definitely get the Mark 42 to keep my Tony armory going but all the rest of the stuff, the BDs, the other armors like this and Whiplash, etc are officially out.

I have a feeling that these will come more BD than pristine by the QC standards but I almost felt insulted by the price :lol
Will hold out on getting this figure as well. There's a 25% I'll get it when they actually confirm more details about this figure. I have a feeling this doesn't have a lot of metal parts to begin with.

Will get the Mark 42 and Mark 3 for sure though.
Put my pre order in for this guy, price while higher than normal isn't really an issue for me. I don't have much on pre order this year, currently only have joker, loki ,avp wolf pred statue, vader mythos and now this so they are all relatively spaced out in terms of when they will hit UK shores so i have save up time.
I think Hot Toys realized they reached the ceiling, in regards to how high the price could go with plastic figures and what the public would pay,'
so are adding a few diecast parts and calling it Diecast so they can further bump up the price and think they can fool us in to paying more.
at the end of the day it's the awkwardly small head and gangly anorexic ken doll proportion that keeps me away from this figure, not whether it's diecast or plastic or even the absurd price tag
Hot Toys have continually stuck two fingers up to there customers in regard to how they do business, and there is absolutely no thought on how we the collectors feel and what affect it may have on us financially, they have shown this time and time again.

They do what they want and I am amazed at their F U attitude.

It wouldn't be so bad if they communicated now and again but they cannot even be bothered to that. :thud: