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If that is true, then we might see more screen time for other suits which did not appear in the theatrical version.

Does HT get to preview the movie (uncut version) before it is released or they just based on the data released by Marvel to them?

that **** better be on the blu ray and not in the phase 2 box set
Unfortunately I doubt what was cut had full effects. So unless they do a full-on director's cut and spend more money versus just deleted scenes we'll probably not see much more suit action.
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:goodpost: I would've loved that.

The MK VI and WM battle scene w/ drones was arguably the best IM fight scene, albeit short.

I was hoping it would also happened in IM3..

Help jog my memory here guys...

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We won't get a directors cut, the film we got is essentially the 'director's cut' nor will we get an extended version. We've got what we've got and Shane Black did a good damn job, however as a director it isn't down to you to edit so that skill isn't exactly necessary, that's the role of the editor who does the editing, the director just sits there and chimes in occasionally. Either way they did a damn good job.

More screen time doesn't necessarily mean better.

I'm excited to get Iron Patriot, he's pretty badass. Still really curious if we are gonna get some other headsculpts with him.
Lmao!!!! Where the hell did you get that from?! The director has FINAL say as he's the DIRECTOR! Rofl hahahahahaha

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Lmao!!!! Where the hell did you get that from?! The director has FINAL say as he's the DIRECTOR! Rofl hahahahahaha

Yup the directors have the final say, of course they do. But they aren't hands on edit the product, that's done by the editor, all the cuts the timings and the beats are followed from the script, translated by the editor and then the director OK's it or has some input, input differs depend on scene content and how important it is to the story. That's the usual way it works in the industry, and I got that from working in the industry.

And all what you mentioned about the film is opinion, so i'm not going to get into that.
Yup the directors have the final say, of course they do. But they aren't hands on edit the product, that's done by the editor, all the cuts the timings and the beats are followed from the script, translated by the editor and then the director OK's it or has some input, input differs depend on scene content and how important it is to the story. That's the usual way it works in the industry, and I got that from working in the industry.

And all what you mentioned about the film is opinion, so i'm not going to get into that.

What?? Oftentimes, the director will be very hands on editing the film. The editor doesn't translate his idea of the film for the director to OK. The director gets the fat check because they decide how the film will be shot AND edited. The editor(s) then follow the direction. I can't think of a single movie where the editor chooses how the film is made/compiled where the director then just signs off on. Whatever... Think what you want. And sorry... But you simply saying you worked in the industry means nothing. You could have been a makeup artist for all it matters. Could you imagine someone like Nolan or Tarentino giving away such control as a director? Kinda laughable imo
What?? Oftentimes, the director will be very hands on editing the film. The editor doesn't translate his idea of the film for the director to OK. The director gets the fat check because they decide how the film will be shot AND edited. The editor(s) then follow the direction. I can't think of a single movie where the editor chooses how the film is made/compiled where the director then just signs off on. Whatever... Think what you want

Do you even know how a movie is shot?

The director has a vision of the script, the cinematographer basically shoots this vision.

Director: Can we get this shot?
Cinematographer: Yeah lets give it a go.

These form what's called rushes. So for one scene, lets say Pepper and Tony talking in the garage, you will have a number of rushes - for example.

Mid shot favouring Tony
MS favouring Pepper
WS favouring Tony
WS favouring Pepper
WS Pepper and Tony
blah blah blah

Each shot consists of the whole scene, not just a portion (sometimes a portion if time is tight or only one part is crap).

These rushes are given to the editor who then edits these rushes so we get the typical shot/reverse shot we always see in movies, these are the kinds of thing that the director doesn't really get involved in because it's the basics. As I mentioned once they get to the beats that progress the story the directors role in editing becomes a bit more crucial as they have the final say in whether or not it matches up to their original vision. To which the editor can go, 'I think this works better' as that is what the editor is paid for.

You're being to far to simplistic, an editor doesn't compile a film, they edit it from the rushes which are shot by the director. They effectively match up the rushes to the script.

However nowadays everyone can do everything in the industry which is why you'll find directors writing and working on camera and editing the film, mainly because it saves studios money to hire 1 person for 3 jobs rather than 3 people for 3 jobs.
We won't get a directors cut, the film we got is essentially the 'director's cut' nor will we get an extended version. We've got what we've got and Shane Black did a good damn job, however as a director it isn't down to you to edit so that skill isn't exactly necessary, that's the role of the editor who does the editing, the director just sits there and chimes in occasionally. Either way they did a damn good job.

More screen time doesn't necessarily mean better.

I'm excited to get Iron Patriot, he's pretty badass. Still really curious if we are gonna get some other headsculpts with him.

That is the quote I'm disagreeing with you over. Yes the cinematographer handles how many cameras, what cameras, what lenses, what angles, etc to use BASED on the director's vision. But why are we doing discussing cinematographers for? lol

Yes the editor handles editing (no duh), but he or THEY coordinate the special effects, sound editors, and even the music with the director. But guess what?? They consult the director for his "vision" and constantly get feedback as the director can override the editor.

Why are you trying to list out the individual job descriptions of industry workers?

Let me lay this out in plain English.

1. I am disagreeing with you that a director just sits there and chimes in occasionally with the editor(s) as apparently you think editors decide the entire movie.

2. I am disagreeing with you on there is no chance of a final "director's" or extended cut because of the editing. Do you even realize how many times an extended cut or director's cut has been released?? And obviously mere length won't make it a better film, but it can help fill in more scenes that allow better understanding of the entire movie. Prime example of BOTH of these points is Lord of the Rings.

Whatever... keep listing job descriptions. I merely disagreed with you on your assessment, but now you're trying to act like I insulted your industry knowledge. And no... Directors being more hands on isn't to save money rofl... it's because the directors demand it as they want to make sure their vision is realized as accurate as possible.
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I Tweeted the Writer (Drew Pierce) today and said "Loved the movie, my only complaint was that IP saw no action".

His reply: "Maybe next time". :gah:
LOL, actually I spelled out Iron Patriot, just shortened it here.

As a funny side note, the main quote on his Twitter page is:

"I mostly write things that nobody has ever heard of, except for that one film called Iron Man 3."
I was just thinking about this. No action at all. Does anyone even know what the shoulder mounted cannon does? Is it a lazer?