Since he hasn't been seen at any conventions and the Thor figures were shown all along, I'm hoping that's a sign they are changing it.
Have ya been in the GA Cap thread lately?????

Since he hasn't been seen at any conventions and the Thor figures were shown all along, I'm hoping that's a sign they are changing it.
must be SSC up to their old tricks, more and more allocations, ugh
anyway..... congrats I'd keep it but thats just me
up to the buyer of course
sleep on it
Thanks man!!
Yeah I find it kinda disturbing.. too many waitlist conversions for their so called Exclusive figurines. (Thor light armor is another example)
Yeah, I think I'll keep him. God forbid, if they don't improve the head sculpt, will pick up a custom from eBay or something.
When could we expect a look at the final headsculpt?
They've been to SDCC every year right? I'd assume so. I just wish they'd go to NYCC or somewhere on the east coast.... we're not special enough over here...![]()
Just curious, at the end when Odin said what Thor had said to him at the end of the 1st film, about there being no wiser king than Odin, given that it was Loki the whole time, how did Loki know what Thor had told Odin at the end of the 1st film?![]()
Just curious, at the end when Odin said what Thor had said to him at the end of the 1st film, about there being no wiser king than Odin, given that it was Loki the whole time, how did Loki know what Thor had told Odin at the end of the 1st film?![]()
You forgot Fantastic Four's excuse to get Jess Alba to strip, since she's the only one who can turn invisible to get across to the crowd of NYPD and FDNY to get to Ben, when all of a sudden, Reed and Johnny greet her on the other side with her clothes.
Sorry, it's playing at the hotel over here right now.
Hot Toys isn't featured at SDCC, but Sideshow has a huge booth there with most of the upcoming Hot Toy releases. I'd be very surprised if Loki wasn't there, along with just about every other figure they have announced that is scheduled to be released later this year. Heck, last year they had figures that still aren't released like all of the Iron Man figures (Silver Centurian, Heartbreaker, Igor).
SDCC is the one and only convention that Sideshow goes to, they don't even go to Wondercon or Comikaze, which are a bit smaller but both between 1 - 1.5 hour drive from the SSC office. So don't expect them at NYCC or anywhere else soon. Which is a shame, really.
sorry to hear about your suffering
(watching the movie, not Jess Alba getting naked)