1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure

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I tried this post on the HT facebook page, after seeing the higher prices and the failing ASM2 suit. But I know people on this forum are much more intelligent than certain trolling individuals who always say, "don't like it, don't buy it and make your own company if you can do better"
So sorry for the lenghty post, but hopefully we can make a voice against high prices (and if they do insist on raising the prices, at least it should be fully movie accurate. Didn't know where else to post this, but it started for me with the Spidey suit (even though I wasn't too keen on Wolvie's last HS and yes I do have other issues like Comedian (who doesn't) but being there from way back when, things are starting to annoy me with how they work nowadays.
I do have 168 HT (of the 400 something 1/6 scale figs I have) I gave a lot of my money to HT in over more than 10 years), so now was a good time to start complaining about the following:

It's easy to say that people should make their own company, but it's not about that at all. Yes a lot of work, R&D and talent goes into these items, but what all the HT newbies seem to forget is that prices are skyrocketing (and I am not aiming at specific persons, as it is definitely not a contest who has the most figures or who is willing to spend the most money, I also started with my first 1/6 scale years back, everyone starts with one at some point, that's why it's called collecting)
Simply because a lot of new fans weren't there years ago, does not mean that prices today are normal or acceptable, just because people don't know any better. One of the many reasons is that most morons post things like "shut up and take my money" or "I don't care how many $$ it costs, just make it" All the people who have been fans of HT for longer than at least 4 years know the quality of older figures was also great and much more affordable. The thing is, as stated by Jeremy, that a company as big as HT should care more about their loyal fans. But nowadays it seems more and more that they only care about more money. Yes I know they are a company and they do have to get paid for what they make. And yes they make awesome items, and I fully understand what a business plan is. But I also know that they make much more money than anyone actually realizes. The production cost is WAY lower (they even bragged about assembly line factories they have nowadays, which is cost effective, in other words, much cheaper) But I also understand that you should be good to the people who helped you get there as a company.
If not for all those fans who have been with them, supporting them and spending their hard earned money on their items they would have never gotten so big. Of course th

I tried this post on the HT facebook page, after seeing the higher prices and the failing ASM2 suit. But I know people on this forum are much more intelligent than certain trolling individuals who always say, "don't like it, don't buy it and make your own company if you can do better"
So sorry for the lenghty post, but hopefully we can make a voice against high prices (and if they do insist on raising the prices, at least it should be fully movie accurate. Didn't know where else to post this, but it started for me with the Spidey suit (even though I wasn't too keen on Wolvie's last HS and yes I do have other issues like Comedian (who doesn't) but being there from way back when, things are starting to annoy me with how they work nowadays.
I do have 168 HT (of the 400 something 1/6 scale figs I have) I gave a lot of my money to HT in over more than 10 years), so now was a good time to start complaining about the following:

It's easy to say that people should make their own company, but it's not about that at all. Yes a lot of work, R&D and talent goes into these items, but what all the HT newbies seem to forget is that prices are skyrocketing (and I am not aiming at specific persons, as it is definitely not a contest who has the most figures or who is willing to spend the most money, I also started with my first 1/6 scale years back, everyone starts with one at some point, that's why it's called collecting)
Simply because a lot of new fans weren't there years ago, does not mean that prices today are normal or acceptable, just because people don't know any better. One of the many reasons is that most morons post things like "shut up and take my money" or "I don't care how many $$ it costs, just make it" All the people who have been fans of HT for longer than at least 4 years know the quality of older figures was also great and much more affordable. The thing is, as stated by Jeremy, that a company as big as HT should care more about their loyal fans. But nowadays it seems more and more that they only care about more money. Yes I know they are a company and they do have to get paid for what they make. And yes they make awesome items, and I fully understand what a business plan is. But I also know that they make much more money than anyone actually realizes. The production cost is WAY lower (they even bragged about assembly line factories they have nowadays, which is cost effective, in other words, much cheaper) But I also understand that you should be good to the people who helped you get there as a company.
If not for all those fans who have been with them, supporting them and spending their hard earned money on their items they would have never gotten so big. Of course they can make items till they drop and they can raise prices till only the "elite" (read people with apparently enough money to not care what something costs) can buy them. But people tend to forget that DX1 (still one of the best examples of price quality ratio) wasn't even near the prices "normal" figures go for today. Yes material costs and labor and inflation etc are reasons for higher prices. BUT a Mark III to Mark VII price difference that cannot be justified by all the above mentioned reasons to make it more expensive just because they can (because people will pay for it anyway?) is not a good business plan to keep your customers from coming back. What people simply do not understand is that simply because a company CAN charge x amount of money for something, doesn't mean they should. Yes they deserve all the credit for making art like this. But people who are new to this scene (or only know HT for that matter) just do not realize what a normal price for a 1/6 scale figure is. The veterans in this hobby know for example that a Sideshow Clone went for 80 dollars. Nowadays that's 160. And yes Sideshow and HT did improve their quality over the years (I am not argueing about that) but let's look at this: a Martian from Mars attacks cost 125, that was a unique mold they only used twice. A Hellboy figure which was around 150 or so, or a Davy Jones, all molds they made for 1 character (which is more expensive because you cannot use that for other figures. But they did not cost an arm and a leg. Goemon was 140 dollars, but if they would release it today it would be at least 199, possibly even more. Does it come with less accessoires than Wolverine? No. Does it have lesser quality HS wise? No. Yes they do also pay for the rights to make a character. But with a "limited" edition of for instance a specific convention exclusive figure (limited in this case was 3000 items for that character), who knows how many a "normal" limited edition item is produced? No-one, so stating that they have to earn more money for character X is shortsighted. Do not think that they do not have money, for they keep churning out figures. Which is good, because I started this hobby years ago because I love to collect them and that is the only reason to collect them. That is why I have been supporting Hot Toys more than 10 years, since way back when not that many people had heard of them.
Not because they are an elite item to show off to other people, not an item to scalp from conventions or special promotional sales and resell them for double the amount. Because that is what "limited" or "special" stands for today. Most of those items end up in the grubby hands of scalpers that rip other people off, people who actually wanted to buy the item because it is their hobby. What could or should companies like Sideshow and HT do to prevent that? Not make special editions and have all the regular versions include the "VIP" item. Because HT and Sideshow ask the same price for either version, so they do not earn anything more from that. But it IS keeping those versions from the actual fans, who, unless they have money growing out of their @$$, will not be able to buy them at normal prices.

And there are people who think they have the right to bash upon the opinion of other people, or say HT is the best there ever was. Yes they are superb in what they make. But I for one, collect 1/6 scale items from things I like. Be it from Hot Toys, Sideshow, Medicom and much more brands most people haven't even heard of 'cause all they know is HT. But HT does not have a big Star Wars collection or a line of Zombies (albeit canceled line) or old movie monsters. I would not have had a Goku, Piccolo or other anime related goodies if not for Medicom (yes that company also has it flaws, like any company, they sometimes have quality issues, but Medicom tried to improve their material and bodies. Some companies have more issues than others, but because HT is the most well known nowadays, doesn't mean they never have issues. Ask on many a forum about melting Batman or even worse, puddle of goo Watchmen Comedian.
Enterbay is a good example how not to run a business. I have the older Bruce Lee figures, but since their insane price hike and quality issues starting around BL Game of Death with the prototype looking perfect and the end product looking like crap. That is something to keep in mind, raising your prices has limits too, and providing service to your customers and actually taking "complaints" seriously and giving feedback about your product and trying to improve it because your paying customers ask for reasonable improvements is nothing more than fans wanting the best from the companies to spend their money on.
So it is not at all neccesary to bash on other people for collecting from other companies too or people who "complain" in a normal respectful manner. Just because you do not like an item, doesn't mean others can't. Like some troll who resides here on these pages who is not worthy of mentioning at all. He keeps saying HT this HT that, and other companies suck, blah blah. But if said character was not released by brand X but by HT, he would be like " throws money at screen" etc.. And I for one am happy that I bought 2 zombies from Threezero for 240 including shipping. Or when I bought Nero from Asmus and received an extra resin dragon only because I mentioned I had Dante (the version without the dragon). THAT is called service and thanking your fans. And yes those molds for the zombie pets are also specially made. So people can bash all they want, but diversity and healthy competition is good for collectors. So I will keep supporting all the manufacturers of figures I like, be it Hot Toys or any other company who makes something of my liking.
All I am saying that none of those companies should ever become either greedy or carried away with prices and keep their service level of high standards.
And the people who keep saying that when people say something is not right about a character, (and always say that they are trolls or whiny little kids) tend to forget that if the nagging "trolls" would not have "complained" there would not have been a better Thor HS (the Avengers version). Or a falcon included with the Pred Falconer for no extra cost. That was back when HT used to listen to their fans.
There are pages and pages from loyal paying customers on most 1/6 forum sites who "complain" about ASM2 not having the correct material for the red suit parts. Because with these kind of prices it is understandable if you buy something you want the movie accurate thing. It is called Movie Masterpiece, not overpriced Half assed piece.
The same "whiners" kindly asked Asmus Toys why Gandalf's beard was not correctly shaped and Asmus replied with an updated sculpt and a picture. Hot Toys used to be like that, so it is not weird for people to ask for the correct material for Spidey.
So in the end do not piss on others for their opinion as long as it is an opinion made clearly to improve the item for everyone who actually loves this hobby. I do like my hobby, and I for one would like it so that other people could enjoy it too.
So the people who always rain on others about "if the price is too much you should get a better job or stop collecting it, or collect Wallmart Iron Man figures" and more of that kind of belittling talk should ask themselves if they are being a good person for calling others trolls or for acting like they are better simply because they have more to spend. Anyone who would argue against a more accurate version for a lower price, clearly has money to burn and would gladly settle for almost accurate, instead of movie accurate.

Barely read this. But like I said to that moron earlier in this thread... the only way to get their attention is to NOT pre order it... im not saying if you dont like it dont buy it, im saying that if you arent happy, protest with your wallet. thats all SS and HT's care about at the end of the day, let them see the low aoreder numbers and make them look at why people arent happy.

if they make 100 and 95 people pre order and say "pre ordered, hopefully theyll fix it by the time it ships.." do you really think theyll fix it? no because we show them that its good enough.
Barely read this. But like I said to that moron earlier in this thread... the only way to get their attention is to NOT pre order it... im not saying if you dont like it dont buy it, im saying that if you arent happy, protest with your wallet. thats all SS and HT's care about at the end of the day, let them see the low aoreder numbers and make them look at why people arent happy.

if they make 100 and 95 people pre order and say "pre ordered, hopefully theyll fix it by the time it ships.." do you really think theyll fix it? no because we show them that its good enough.

Exactly. The whole "I'll cancel if they don't fix it" doesn't work. Who cares about missing on an EX. That is insignificant anyway?

Hell, most of you won't cancel anyway. Lol.

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but ok some peopel like the new spiderman, i dont but thats that's my opinion I wait for the spiderman black suit and the new goblin ;)
Yes I made a typo in lengthy, big whoop! Cause no-one ever did that here. And yes it could have used paragraphs, but I copied it from my fb and they always screw with the layout. Even so, with or without paragraphs, this proved reading is difficult for most people, let alone form full sentences. But that's all besides the point. Thanks for proving that the majority here makes assumptions without actually reading. No-one probably ever heard of the perfect description Alex from Toyhaven made about snooty collectors. If you feel inclined to comment, at least read it and talk about the content, instead of acting like children, whining about length and typos.
Reading is difficult if it's a giant wall because you can lose your spot easily and it's frustrating. This is a public forum, if you feel your opinion needs to be heard by everyone, this might not be the best place. I came here to read up on new upcoming figures and see pics from other users. I don't have to read, let alone, care about everyone's opinions. Don't come here with your lazy copy/paste rant and expect people to care when you didn't care enough to make it easy for people to read in the first place.

Grow up.
I like it :wink1:

but youre from Ontario so I can see why... :D

Yes I made a typo in lengthy, big whoop! Cause no-one ever did that here. And yes it could have used paragraphs, but I copied it from my fb and they always screw with the layout. Even so, with or without paragraphs, this proved reading is difficult for most people, let alone form full sentences. But that's all besides the point. Thanks for proving that the majority here makes assumptions without actually reading. No-one probably ever heard of the perfect description Alex from Toyhaven made about snooty collectors. If you feel inclined to comment, at least read it and talk about the content, instead of acting like children, whining about length and typos.

I can read books, studies, reports, essays, mathematical equations etc... not your run on... uh whatever that was. If I had to read it straight through aloud id pass out due to lack of oxygen getting to my brain. and dont join a board to start *****ing and then insult members here. Who are you? get the **** outta here
In hopes that they improve it :cuckoo:....easy to cancel if the product isn't up to par :dunno

I see where you guys are coming from with that mentality, im simply saying thats not how it works, thats not how sideshow and HT's view it. there literally no way for them to improve it when it get released right? so you cancel it and then what? youll never have a good one cause why would they bother going back to do it right a second time...
I see where you guys are coming from with that mentality, im simply saying thats not how it works, thats not how sideshow and HT's view it. there literally no way for them to improve it when it get released right? so you cancel it and then what? youll never have a good one cause why would they bother going back to do it right a second time...

then I guess it's wait for Spider-man 3,4,5,6 and Sinister six versions...eventually they'll get it right :lol

It doesn't matter anyways because people will mostly buy this version and the next and the next...HT knows that many are suckers for their product
then I guess it's wait for Spider-man 3,4,5,6 and Sinister six versions...eventually they'll get it right :lol

It doesn't matter anyways because people will mostly buy this version and the next and the next...HT knows that many are suckers for their product

and what if they drastically change the costume...? They arent gunna keep the same outfit for 2 more movies, I will guarantee that :lol This outfit to me is as close to comics as were gunna get. as for people buying it... yeah they will but it doesnt make it a good product