1/6 Hot Toys - MMS281 - Avengers: AoU - Captain America Collectible Figure

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good cap.jpg
Looks good. Though I would adjust his knee pad if possible. Looks like he got his knee busted.
the knee pad is the only thing i'm not happy with captain. its quite difficult to get it align with the knee when posing.:dunno

Good to know. And strange. But it's not a huge issue really. At least for me. I mostly do museum poses anyway.

How do you like the new shield holding gimmick?
Good to know. And strange. But it's not a huge issue really. At least for me. I mostly do museum poses anyway.

How do you like the new shield holding gimmick?

very good, the magnet can hold the shield very well. and there are also handles
on the shield which you can grab it with the hands if you prefer not using the magnet.
Being that the port issues got resolved and this guy already released in HK what are the chances we get him in May?
I definitely prefer not only this look, but the helmet for this Cap better than the first Avengers. He looks too scrawny in the first movie, even though he wasn't at all.
GASP!!!!! :thud:

Well honestly till now there hasn't been a cap that i felt was good enough to buy. I once considered the TFA cap on evilbay but i heard about that shield issue and his leg holster falling apart with time. Didnt want the rescue version even though it had a good evans sculpt. I almost got the avengers cap but didnt pull the trigger and later it sold out. I had the GA cap pre-ordered but canceled and decided to wait for this version, glad i did.
This will be my first Cap as well. The only other that I would have considered until now was the GA.
I think I picked the right time to snag the main group of Avengers. I just got the WS BW for my wife and have the DC MK III, Stealth MK VII, and Deluxe Hulk on PO. I can't wait to see the AOU Thor. I really like the Dark World version but I have a feeling the new one's gonna kick ass.