1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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  • HT-ANH-LUKE-003.jpg
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Tommorow old Ben & Luke. :yess::blissy Very happy only paid 115 for Luke thank's to rewards.
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ANH Luke is super iconic, but this release while somewhat impressive when you see all the parts distributed in a box, is a pretty low-end affair for Hot Toys. I'll concur with Para that the soft-goods are super weak-sauce and honestly, the sculpted stuff isn't much better. The long rifle for instance is laughable.

You want to know how badly HT wanted to save pennies on this one? Sculpted belt parts and re-use of the ESB/Bespin saber hilt is all you need to know.

I've been conflicted on this release. I went from pass, to what-the-hell, to waffling again.

I had a preview of the headsculpt with MMS304, and while I won't say it's terrible, I see more likeness in the SSC pilot sculpt, (provided the helmet's on, we've discussed that sculpt's limitations ad nauseam).

The sculpted leg wraps -- sure. But the sculpted belt pouches honestly make no sense to me for a Hot Toys release. Between the excellent Sandtrooper ammo pouches and the stunning DX07 belt and holster, I can't fathom the decision to go plastic on a release this iconic.

Thanks to Chewbacca (I KNEW I shouldn't have bought that one) I decided to get the 1977 crew for now and decide if I'm keeping it later, but right now I think SSC pilot Luke will do. I don't do dioramas or re-enact scenes, so the costume is almost irrelevant given that I like the pilot costumes best.

I would be more sure if it was closer in look and feel to the film -- I know it's possible because DX04's Kung Fu pants are just fine. I have similar misgivings about Leia's gown and also agree that in my experience up to now, SSC Star Wars weapons are on par or better than HT; barring a few exceptions.

A lot of this boils down to opinion. I think ANH Han is fine, but plenty of boardies find it very much subpar.
A lot of this boils down to opinion. I think ANH Han is fine, but plenty of boardies find it very much subpar.

Opinion is fine for expressing satisfaction, but the product can be quantified on a number of merits, some of which you've already mentioned. Moulded pouches, absolutely incorrect fabric selection, ncorrect patterns and designs. The head sculpts too: like them or don't, but whether the likeness is there isn't a matter of opinion when you can duplicate angles and put it up against source video and photos.

This is Han Solo. I have no idea what on earth Hot Toys shipped, but I got rid of it as if it were covered in nuclear waste. :)

Opinion is fine for expressing satisfaction, but the product can be quantified on a number of merits, some of which you've already mentioned.


The head sculpts too: like them or don't, but whether the likeness is there isn't a matter of opinion when you can duplicate angles and put it up against source video and photos.

Absolutely, geometry doesn't lie, but perception is tricky, hence disagreements on "how much" likeness exists. I've come down on different sides of the fence for different sculpts, so I know it's complicated in that subjective regard.

This is Han Solo.

Nice sculpt, but the proof is in the paint.

I have no idea what on earth Hot Toys shipped, but I got rid of it as if it were covered in nuclear waste. :)

I feel as if you need to come out of your shell and express yourself more authentically. :rotfl
Opinion is fine for expressing satisfaction, but the product can be quantified on a number of merits, some of which you've already mentioned. Moulded pouches, absolutely incorrect fabric selection, ncorrect patterns and designs. The head sculpts too: like them or don't, but whether the likeness is there isn't a matter of opinion when you can duplicate angles and put it up against source video and photos.

This is Han Solo. I have no idea what on earth Hot Toys shipped, but I got rid of it as if it were covered in nuclear waste. :)


There's a hair out of place. Pre-cancelled!
Got my shipping notice for my EX that converted so hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Can't wait for this one! Up until this point I've displayed the SS version in all it's poor headsculpt glory, so I'll finally be able to replace that. Despite some of its imperfections as some have pointed out this will be a HUGE upgrade over what I have now.
Is it possible to get that sculpt anywhere Pixelpiper?

Btw did you not think Jazz Inc's repaint of the HT Han sculpt brought out the likeness?
The Tatooine Luke shirt is simply awful. The material that Hot Toys selected is stiff and out of scale. I can't pose him with bended arms because it looks terrible, with the material too thick and not draping to scale.

With that being said, Tatooine Luke is just too iconic to pass on, so I had to get it. After having him on the shelf for quite some time, I'm just not blown away by the figure, even with the ton of accessories that it comes with.