1/6 Hot Toys - MMS297 - Star Wars: Episode IV - Luke Skywalker Collectible Figure

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PERS definitely has baggage, I completely agree with that. There's tighter tolerances to keep if you want something to look great, everything needs to fit together, versus a regular head sculpt which can be a solid hunk of plastic - it doesn't get much simpler than that.
Where are the highlights? Just looks like a lighter shade of brown. :huh

If you look closely, what I did in photoshop was to add a semi-transparent lighter layer to parts of the hair to mimic applying a light wash, as opposed to just grabbing the hair and lightening it overall. Adding a wash on top of the base color is how painters I've talked to recommend making hair look more natural because it allows the darker colors underneath to show through. But you don't have to do it everywhere so you get sections that are lighter and darker. And if you do a couple of washes or more you get even greater variation and more natural looking results. If it were real hair they could just add some lighter pieces and blend it all in, and the highlights would change based on angle, lighting, etc. I'm sure it's possible to create more natural looking highlights on sculpted hair by hand but it would likely take a lot more time than typical factory jobs and therefore be more expensive, yield inconsistent results, and could end up looking unnaturally streaky. So yes it's subtle, but it's probably the way to achieve the best results as opposed to painting the entire piece a shade or two lighter, which could end up making it too blonde. However for comparison sake, this is a slightly more heavy handed execution.

PERS on the bespin luke helped a lot, the face seems a little off for me, but as soon as I positioned the eyes, it made a world of difference. It's a shame that the new SW don't have them, always good to have a choice.
Even that is better than the piercing eyes of Scarlet Witch from Age of Ultron that stare past me every time I go to the forum lately. :horror
PERS looks cool on DX Luke, especially with the battle damaged, severed stump looking up at Vader.

I really liked it on my Arnold Terminator too because you can get that pissed off look out of the corner of his eye that Arnold does so well. Arnold is my favorite PERS but I don't own any of the ones everyone has mentioned as being bad sculpts because I just didn't like the sculpt to begin with.

Out of the ones I have I like them but the magnets holding the heads/hair together all unglued at some point. Actually on Luke DX a lot of the glue has come undone on the belts too.
I wonder why HT aren't including PERS on newer figures now? Yeah they can be hassle to change, but they really give figure more dynamic poses.
I don't think PERS are needed for every figure. I think it's cool with The Terminator as you can make him look sideways in a menacing look. It isn't necessary for every figure though. Besides it will just make these expensive figures even more expensive.

I'm not sure why HT have seemed to abandon their DX line, however they seem to be just adding extra accessories to normal releases every now and again, making them closer to a DX release. The T1 Battle damaged T800 was practically a DX without the name.

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Just hit it with an emery board or fine sandpaper, just like they used to look after some play time in the good ol'days. Problem solved.
Wait 2 months and then it'll be coupon eligible.
I spoke with a Star Wars enthusiast at SS on the phone, and she said at the rate they are being reserved, it's almost certain that this Luke will go to the wait list in less than a month. I tend to believe her, considering how many people have been waiting so long for a (near-perfect) version.

***Que the flood of Sideshow Luke Farmers on ebay***
It will sell out just might take some time

If the exclusive sells out, I buy the regular. No biggie. If one day I ever want to display him in a Stormtrooper belt, I buy one. If none are available because an alien invasion wiped them all of the face of the planet, once I've fortified my compound, I make one. I've still saved $20, so I'm happy. ;) That can go toward ammunition. Or water.
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I spoke with a Star Wars enthusiast at SS on the phone, and she said at the rate they are being reserved, it's almost certain that this Luke will go to the wait list in less than a month. I tend to believe her, considering how many people have been waiting so long for a (near-perfect) version.

***Que the flood of Sideshow Luke Farmers on ebay***

She's likely assuming a linear sales trajectory, whereas the bulk of early-orders have almost certainly already been made.
She's likely assuming a linear sales trajectory, whereas the bulk of early-orders have almost certainly already been made.

That was my first thought. Second thought was "a month's a long time". Third thought is "what is SS going to say? That sales are poor."

That said, I see this going waitlist in a month or two. But I'm guessing there's lots of room on the waitlist.

That said, HT "selected market" exclusives are usually available on ebay, aren't they? From overseas sellers.
Yeh, they'll be plenty of waitlist conversions you'd think - though I thought ebay exclusive-set sales demanded a premium. The regular is all I want or need though, so I'm not bothered what the exclusive does in the next month.
If the exclusive came without a head sculpt and cost $50 less I'd jump on it right now though. :)