1/6 Hot Toys MMS699 & MMS700 ROTJ Darth Vader

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Ouch, not kidding with the lack of folds. Is the ESB a decent cape?

Yes, very nice, just too long. I put the ESB cape on the ROTJ body but it was still too long (makes sense since they are the same body -- it's the helmet on the ROTJ that gives it a boost in height)

Speaking of ESB vs ROTJ, let's have a look at their helmets (forgive the dust on ESB)...

COMP 1.jpg
So HT didn't fix it on the regular release...?

Would have made those few packs in the first batch very valuable one day.
I think mine may have come from the first batch. Sugo (where mine came from) normally gets their supply a month later than Chinese retailers. Will be interesting to see if others are still getting that box with the 2nd batch. lol

OK, so lets start with the CAPES...

I think people will be surprised, but the ROTJ cape is the worst of the OT Vaders capes.

[NOTE: my ANH has the RO cape]

View attachment 733899

ANH rolls the way its supposed to.

ESB is similar if not the same material but its too long.

ROTJ just has no shape -- you can push folds into it, and a few will stay, but that's it.
Thanks for the comparison! I haven't had time to throw the cape on him yet, so I immediately ordered a ANH cape. Looks like HT is cheaping out on the materials.
OK, before everyone panics and buys a new cape, here's what happens when you add pennies into your ROTJ cape...

cape before pennies......................................................................................................................cape weighted with pennies

Before-After Pennies COMP.jpg

And here's what it looks like if you just do the right side...

pennies right side.jpg

Then there's that one guy... "But how many pennies do you need????" :panic:
Anyone know if MMS434 (Tarkin Vader) ANH cape is the same as MMS279 ANH cape or is it the MMS388 RO cape?

The reasons why I ask is because MMS434 was made after RO Vader so it brought certain things from the RO Vader and not OG 279, I’m just not sure about the cape…..
All I know is that the RO cape was better than the ANH cape so I swapped it out. Not sure if Tarkin 2-pack is the same cape.

So here are the 3 VADERS... (this is my old poses of ANH and ESB surrounding the new ROTJ)...


3x Vaders 1.jpg

3x Vaders 3.jpg

3x Vaders 5.jpg

3x Vaders 6.jpg

Tomorrow I'll have the final poses and helmets (ROTJ on ESB, Shaw on ROTJ...)