1/6 Hot Toys - MMS755 - Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Droideka

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So here’s a company that makes clear acrylic spheres. Seeing the price list helps me understand a reason why it’s not included. Check out the price list for these. They don’t come cheap plus the size would double the box dimensions.

View attachment 709340

Here’s the link:

Found this 14 inch on Etsy. It’s cheap and already has a bottom hole to fit over the droid. It’s far more reasonable in price. Size correct you think?

I think a two piece bowl would look best with the split being at a 60 degree angle. Might the best way to conceal it.
Either way, not something I’m interested in or have the space for.

My only question is do I get just one or two? I’ve got two SSC B1 Droids and 2 Super Battle Droids on the way so I’ve kind of set a precedent…

I wonder if Kit can offer a better deal on shipping if you PO 2?
What I'd love to see is a proper shot from the side like in the trailer/movie.
I love how it has an almost snake like quality to it. There's even a bit of Giger in there I feel.
Seeing this in the HT would surely push me over the edge.

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The closest shots we have are these, but the low angle in the first shot makes the neck look short.
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View attachment 709351

I'm pretty sure I'm starting to talk myself into buying him here. :lol

I definitely think these things need to be displayed at an angle, they look rather static from straight on.
If they made this, they will make grievous. Hot toys loves money. Guarantee they are waiting for another company to have a big announcement planned and Howard will swoop in with a mega release and steal their thunder. Look at J and D and the Han release.

I think most of us assume Grievous is around the corner, the big one for the ROTS Anniversary next year.

Assuming Lucasfilm and HT are liking the sale numbers from PT and OT right now.
Anyone able to use the "In Thanks" coupon on Sideshow for this item? I tried today and it rejected it. Seems like these coupons are getting worse and worse as time goes by. Too many time limitations etc.
Some new shots from FB, including better views from the side.

I didn't know I wanted/needed this in my collection, but I think it's just too beautiful to pass up. I already looked up OSK coupon codes I haven't used yet...



I wonder how far Howard goes with this line. This was a long shot in my eyes, and I’m glad we got it. They will definitely do the standard battle droid with stap. Hopefully padawan obi and red dress queen amidala.
Other than that? Do they go through the engineering process and make jar jar or watto?
Handmaiden padme?
The aotc line is almost complete, except for kenobi.
This will be an interesting year.
Jar Jar and little Ani double pack ftw!
You may jest, but we've come so dangerously close to that precipice at this point that I wouldn't even be surprised by it being announced.

The idea of an AOTC whingy Anakin being an incredibly sought after figure in the days when we were just starting getting Star Wars Hot Toys was just as ludicrous a concept lol.
You may jest, but we've come so dangerously close to that precipice at this point that I wouldn't even be surprised by it being announced.

The idea of an AOTC whingy Anakin being an incredibly sought after figure in the days when we were just starting getting Star Wars Hot Toys was just as ludicrous a concept lol.
Hard as it is to believe, Jar Jar is actually my biggest want from the Phantom Menace anniversary (after Padawan Obi Wan to complete the duel of fates trio.) Love him or hate him, he’s a big part of that movie and the prequel legacy.

Little Ani just feels necessary, especially considering Star Wars is the story of Anakin Skywalker (sequels don’t exist) and he’s Howard’s favourite character. We should be able to display every stage of his character development.
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Good to see a lot of chatter about this. I myself have zero interest in it... and the streak continues...
Looks very nice. I had to POed it.
Looks like it has lots of small joints and hinges. I hope they are strong enough to hold positions and rotations
This will make a fine addition to my collection.
I feel the Droideka could be a quick seller locally if I'm NOT on top of this.