Well Wor-Gar, I can only judge it against my AVP warrior, I don't know if things about mine are accross the production line or not, but here's a quick overview. My AVP warrior rubber was very loose around the tentacle ports in the back, Aliens version is very tight to them, much better. AVP neck joint is quite stiff, it almost sounds and feels like it's breaking when I move it (brother needs WD40), Aliens version has a stiff enough neck it holds, but loose enough that it pivots with ease. The painting of the blue and grey/tan hues for highlights is beautifully done, the spikes along the vertebrae are soft rubber and flexible. Probably my absolute favorite step over the AVP, the elbow and knee joints have about 25-50% more range ove movement, to get that nice curled up in the wall pose (as I'm setting up for my photo now

of that moment). I have to say, I believe the head being less arched than the film is a technical choice based on the mechanics of the jaw mechanism and had that not been built it, it probably would have had more arch. The entire thing has a great gloss going on, though more so on the hard plastic than the rubber, which is to be expected, but it is in the rubber too so he's got a nice slimy look to him. As I mentioned, I love the second set of hands, I'll take some close shots of them, really necessary to have hard hands to achieve the pose and look good at the same time, so again kudos to HT for doing that one. The final big nicety of this piece, as you pointed out in the Medi forum image, the wide gaping jaw, really makes the warrior a more fearsome looking creature than the AVP. It may not be 100% screen accurrate, but this figures is badass and deffinately the warriar HT should have started with.